Let’s be real, some of ya’ll out there need to spice up your prayer life! Are you tired of dull prayers that put you to sleep? Do you feel like God isn’t listening to you? Let’s explore how to spice up our prayer lives.

I had the pleasure of hearing Priscilla Shirer speak in person recently. She is the actress in the movie War Room and if you haven’t seen it, you should. Priscilla is a strong woman of God boldly proclaiming the truth about being a true Christ follower.

She also wrote a book called Fervent about prayer strategy. Prayer strategy is something I explained in What Is Your Prayer Strategy. I’ve read her book and enjoyed its powerful message. I was reminded today that I need to apply some new methods to my prayer life.

We limit God when we only allow one one-way communication in prayer. @alattehope #prayerClick To Tweet

Prayer isn’t just one-way communication. Priscilla shared something that really stuck with me that I want to share with you. She said that prayer is a direct line to God that we have through the power of the Holy Spirit.

How awesome is it that we have the capability to directly communicate with God! Sadly many Christians don’t tap into the full amount of power available to them. Priscilla also mentioned that “The Lord speaks clearly to those who place faith in Jesus Christ and we can hear the voice of God.”

Elijah was a man of God who never had to experience death. Yeah, you read that right. God literally took him up into the clouds on a chariot of fire with horses leaving his clothes behind. Let’s learn how this mighty man of faith prayed.

Have you ever felt so exasperated you felt like dying? Well, Elijah the man of God did. His life was being threatened for his belief in God and was running for his life. “He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. ‘I have had enough, Lord,’ he said. ‘Take my life;’ (1 Kings 19:4). God’s response is below, read it carefully.

The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.
1 Kings 19:11‭-‬12 NIV

The verse above is so cool! I don’t remember reading and understanding that God whispered to Elijah. God went on to give specific instructions as to where Elijah should go and what he should do. Wouldn’t you like to have that kind of relationship with God where you can pray and He responds with instruction?

3 Ways To Spice Up Your Prayer Life:

  1. We need to make sure our hearts are right and pure. If not, get it right at the beginning of the prayer. We can’t expect God to give us answers when haven’t fully given our lives to Him.
  2. Cry out to God for help. Tell Him what you need and what you desire.
  3. Be still and listen. He does speak but you have to give Him a chance to!

Have you ever heard from God? Have you ever felt a peace or known an answer to a question you prayed about? If not, the 3 steps above will get you there. It may not be an audible voice but a quiet thought or idea that God reveals to you. You may finally experience peace about a decision or situation that you never have before.

It’s so sad that many believers don’t hear from God when they have the ability to. I know I don’t take the time to listen usually but I need to. God is ready and willing to speak to a ready and willing heart. Did you catch that? God is ready and willing to speak to a ready and willing heart.

My experience with hearing from God hasn’t been audible (unless you count my voice). God has brought words and thoughts to me when I’ve been seeking after Him fervently. Some of what I’ve shared with you all has come from those moments. God can speak to us in different ways using things like music, movies, people, stories, books, writing, nature, etc.

One time in my life where God gave me a definitive answer was with my husband. I just knew that God wanted me to marry him. I can’t explain it better than that… I just knew. I didn’t just pray and my husband showed up. I was frustrated for years waiting on “the one”. I met all the Mr. Wrongs but low and behold, God was faithful and did bring me my husband.

Sometimes we’ve prayed for years but God just doesn’t seem to be listening. It isn’t that He isn’t listening or that He doesn’t care. Maybe the right time hasn’t come yet. He might have a different plan in mind. We have to stay strong and trust that God has a definite plan for our lives in His time, not ours. For me it’s good to write down my thoughts and what God might be guiding me to do.

Of course, there have been many times where I felt like God just left me with questions. At those times, I believe it’s important to follow where you feel the most peace. Also, God will bring up opportunities and relationships when we aren’t so anxious about it. God appointed opportunities in jobs and with meeting my husband popped up out of nowhere. Not every open door will be the right one to walk through. Use your discernment and again, that peaceful feeling.

God speaks when we are truly distraction-free and ask to hear from Him. We can expect to hear from the Lord and trust that He will listen when we pray. We can be confident that God does care about us and will give us direction as we need it.

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, thank You for all of Your many blessings in my life. If there is any sin in my heart or something I haven’t done that You asked me to do, please reveal it to me. I ask that You would open my eyes and ears Lord and speak to me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

How does God speak to you?


Stay hopeful friend!