This one’s for all the mommas, girls, and guys out there struggling with their self-image. You’re doing your best to take care of all the things and everyone else around you and then you look in the mirror and hate what you see. Let’s look together at 3 ways to stop struggling with our self-image.
I’m not going to tell you that you need a special diet or to exercise more. We all know what we gotta do but sometimes you have seasons in life where you can’t do a darn thing to be pleased with that person staring back at you in the mirror.
I’m in a season where my body is going though all kinds of things and changing rapidly in pregnancy. The scale is scary to look at and I don’t like what I see in the mirror.
I can easily get down on myself and hate that I can’t fit into my clothes anymore. But I’m realizing I’m being too hard on myself like so many of us are at different points in our life. Or maybe you’ve struggled with hating how you look your whole life.
In those moments of frustration and tears, take heart sister. You are beautifully and wonderfully created. God designed you exactly how He wanted to and even though you may not like it, God sees you as the unique gorgeous person that you are.
Sometimes our biggest enemy isn’t others around us telling us we’re ugly or stupid. If that is the case, then for God’s sake separate yourself from that toxic person. Our biggest enemy can be ourselves.
We aren’t perfect inside or out and can’t let that lack of perfection keep us down or we will always be miserable. No one is perfect y’all no matter how perfect they may seem. Everyone has flaws and struggles.
It’s time to accept yourself for who you are. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Not just on the outside, but on the inside too. Every different and unique thing about you is beautiful.
Don’t buy into popular culture’s idea that the more you flaunt, the more confident and hot you are. You don’t have to flaunt your goodies off to be confident girls. It’s only going to attract the wrong kinds of people and make yourself look silly and desperate for attention in the process.
Our biggest battle happens in our minds. Meaning we are our worst critics. We tear everything down about ourselves and see every flaw magnified to the fullest extent.
Being our worst physical critic is a huge part of it but so is negative self-talk, borderline self-abuse. Calling yourself names because of how you look or talking down to yourself every time you screw up can become a form of self-abuse.
Words and past experiences can leave damaging scars to our self image but we have to move past that. Don’t keep feeding into the narrative that you aren’t pretty enough, talented enough, smart enough, or successful enough.
You can live a happy life but it starts with accepting yourself inside and out for the beautiful person you are. Strive to be the best you with every choice you make, with everything you say to yourself, and with helping others around you see the beauty in them.
God didn’t create a world full of the exact same people who look the same, who have the same abilities, or who have the same personality. He didn’t even create animals or ecosystems the same. This world is full of diversity on purpose. It was beautifully and wonderfully created by God just like you and I were.
A Prayer For You
Lord Jesus, forgive me for seeing myself in a negative light and for missing how much I have to be thankful for in my own skin. Please show me how to truly accept and love myself how You do and show others how to do the same. Thank You for blessing me with all my gifts and creating me beautifully in Your image. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Stay hopeful!