Spring is here! The time where cleaning happens inside and outside of the home. We currently have leaves galore engulfing our house. In the spirit of spring and dealing with my own life, I came up with 5 steps to clear your mind and prioritize things!

Lately, I’ve felt overwhelmed at work with deadlines and random things that need to be done NOW. Then I get home and help my husband with his business and work on my own side projects. I like to stay busy.

Right now I’m being stretched thin in multiple directions but have to remind myself to focus. Maybe you’re like me and have your mind thinking about 5 billion things at once. My advice to you and to myself right now is to do what you can right now and worry about the rest later as it comes. Focus on what needs to be done first (is the most pressing) and then knock out the other stuff.

In the meantime, don’t neglect your own self-care (if possible). Take time to care for yourself so you can help others and be the best you can. Remember that we all need to take breaks and have fun now and then!

5 Steps To Clear Your Mind & Prioritize Things

  1. Write down the most pressing things in order from most important to least.
  2. Tackle your first item by writing what needs to be done and how to accomplish that task.
  3. Now focus on that first most pressing thing and get it done!
  4. Once done with the most pressing, move to the next item and repeat.
  5. Re-evaluate what is most pressing every day and start the process over.

Psalm 16:11 says: “You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.” If I’m not careful with my thoughts, I can easily feel overwhelmed and unhappy about everything I have to do. God doesn’t want us to live in a state of stress and unhappiness.

Don’t be like so many who shrink back from a challenge and let stress overtake their lives. We can avoid undue stress when we clear our minds and start accomplishing tasks. We can also avoid the panic that sinks in from forgetting something important that needed to be done. I’m not saying we will be perfect and never make mistakes. But, we can start taking our lives back when we prioritize things.

“Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!” Psalm 90:17

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, thank You that You promise peace to those who follow after You. Show me how to prioritize things and get my life in order. Help me to have joy in the midst of any and every situation as I place my trust in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Stay hopeful!




See the next post on Do You Have Boundaries In Your Life?