Day 16 – I am thankful for my extended family, friends, followers & church family! I have a HUGE family and I love them all! I am so thankful for Passion church where we attend. They are like family to us and have supported us.

I love to fellowship and encourage friends and family although I feel I could do a better job of it. It’s hard when I’m an introvert but I do my best! I am also HUGELY thankful for the support from my followers! Thank you for all the support and love that I don’t deserve! I pray that I encourage you and many others to keep up the faith and find joy and live life to the fullest!

Day 17 – I am thankful for our first house!


Garrett and I bought our first house this past May and signed our life away for a mortgage American style! (We plan to pay this off so we aren’t in debt to anyone as soon as we can.) God’s timing was just right because our apartment was over we went month to month 2 months before we closed on this house. We saw several houses we liked and made offers on a handful of them and did not get them until this house came along unexpectedly. Garrett came across it and we saw it the second day it was listed. We both felt the house was charming from the moment we walked in and saw past the outdated aesthetic appeal. We’ve had fun and put in hard work making it ours with the help of family members! Don’t worry we didn’t keep the brown 70s marble looking carpet in the picture below! We have more to do but I hear that there will always be more to do as a homeowner.


Day 18 – I am thankful for music! I love almost every type of music and musical instrument. My favorite genres are blues, rock, old school country, Christian, hip-hop, and pop. And most everything in between. I’m glad that Garrett loves music as I do. He can play nearly any instrument but specializes in guitars.

Day 19 – Fiyahhhh!


I have always been obsessed with fire like a caveman who discovered it for the first time. One of my favorite things to do is chill outside at a campfire.

Day 20 – I am thankful for sports.


I love most every sport. I played basketball, golf, softball, and track growing up at school. I stuck with basketball and golf through high school and played golf in college. I love to watch and play sports!

Day 21 – I am thankful for dry shampoo. Dry shampoo saves my life.

Day 22 – I am thankful for great neighbors!


Our new neighbors are very kind and watch out for us. The above card was given to us by our “across the street” neighbors. Their sweet granddaughter made this for us while she was visiting them from out of state. I’m not going to lie, it made me tear up when I first read it.

Day 23 – Call me crazy if you want but I am thankful for running and exercising!


I love to work out for several reasons. The first being several health, energy, and sleep benefits. The second just because I love the feeling of working hard and feeling accomplished (if you don’t look like a hot mess you aren’t doing it right). Third I like seeing the results, even if it takes a while to show up. We also have awesome workout partners that keep running from being mundane. Rebekah & Johnluke help push us and keep us exercising more consistently than we were before! 

Day 24 – I am thankful for the great outdoors and being able to travel and explore it!


This picture is from last November when we crossed a creek in the Rocky Mountain National Park. Both Garrett and his brother Andrew helped ole helpless me cross it while Rebekah captured this sweet shot! I love being outside!

Words can’t express how beautiful God’s creation is. I can’t help but be reminded of how obvious it was that God was our creator when I see the intricacy and beauty of nature. I hope to keep up the traveling adventures so I can see more of it!

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. Philippians 4:8

I challenge you to find at least one thing to be thankful for! It isn’t as hard as you might think! God bless and have a great Thanksgiving!