Have you ever found yourself thinking of the next point youā€™re going to make to win an argument? Is winning at ALL costs helping your relationships grow or causing them to suffer? Sometimes itā€™s better to keep the peace than to have the last word.

As yā€™all know, Iā€™m pregnant and my hormones are going CRAZY. Iā€™ve had days I felt like I could fight someone because theyā€™ve made me so mad (Garrett reminded me I shouldnā€™t be fighting like I didnā€™t already know that šŸ˜†). And Iā€™ve had days Iā€™ve cried at anything and everything.

Living a life of peace isnā€™t always as easy as it seems. Every person you encounter will disagree with you at some point in your life. Jesus didnā€™t say blessed is the right person, He said blessed are the peacemakers.

Look, I know all too well how hard it is to be at peace with others when they treat you unfairly and harshly. We donā€™t want to be doormats but we also donā€™t want to add fuel to the fire because we canā€™t control our emotions and tongue.

ā€œBlessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.ā€ Matthew 5:9

Hereā€™s where it gets hardā€¦ What do you do when you know you are right and the other person is convinced they are? Is the disagreement really worth wasting time arguing or can you agree to disagree?

Words can strike a chord within us and cause emotions that bring feelings of frustration, confusion, and anger. However, we arenā€™t ruled by our emotions like those who donā€™t know Christ. In Luke 6:33, it says anyone can do good to someone who has done good to them first. What separates us from the world is doing good to others who do bad by us.

We are called to react in love and be a peacemaker even when everything within us tells us not to. We are called to be obedient to the Holy Spirit prompting us and convicting us. Pause and take the time to think and even pray before events spiral out of control.

Being right at all costs is not worth the harm and chaos that will occur. Choose to make peace instead of barreling down the road of contention. Choose to speak life in every circumstance no matter what is said to you. If I can still control my response with raging prego hormones and bite my tongue, so can you!Ā 


I encourage you to examine your heart and to think before you speak when youā€™re upset. Donā€™t forget you canā€™t live at peace with God when you keep resentment and unforgiveness buried deep in your heart. God only forgives and shows grace to you when youā€™ve done the same for others.Ā 

ā€œLive peacefully with each other. Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone. See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to all people. 1 Thessalonians 5:13-15

Stay hopeful!



Also see:

When Your Soul Needs Peace