One thing most people have in common is an appreciation for the beauty of diamonds. They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend.

Recently I’ve been thinking about how diamonds in their natural state aren’t beautiful at all. There is a process involving a lot of time and effort spent on cutting and polishing to form it into the perfect diamond.

When God sees us, He sees what others can’t. He looks deep into our hearts and souls. He sees the potential we have to be polished and cut into a beautiful diamond.

You see diamond cutters can make a mistake and the diamond becomes flawed. Most look at flawed diamonds as losing value and don’t want one. God sees a diamond in the rough. When we make mistakes, God can polish the flaws away.

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!
Isaiah 43:18‭-‬19

I have a word for YOU today! God is doing a new thing in YOU and wants YOU to move on from the past. He wants YOU to press on to the future plans He has to bless YOU. Let go and let God’s plan unfold before your eyes.

A Prayer For You
Lord, thank You for doing a new thing in my life starting today. I’m letting go of the past and giving You my future. Create in me a new heart for You. In Jesus’ name, amen!