This whole “me too” movement has some rolling their eyes, some feeling old wounds resurface just hearing the term, and some thinking ‘I don’t even know what this movement is’…

This movement is empowering girls (and boys) all over the world to speak up and out again sexual harassment and abuse. It breaks my heart to hear that anyone was taken advantage of, especially sexual way. Now I know there are bad apples out there crying wolf to get attention but this post is not for them. I’m writing this to encourage you if you have ever experienced this and to empower people of all ages, genders, races to speak up for themselves.

Is it really any wonder why sexual harassment and abuse is such a problem? We live in a culture that literally objectifies girls for kicks. Disrespectful words such as b*** are pet names now. Child pornography along with any pornography is easily accessible. Girls all over the world try to show as much skin and let others treat them horribly just to FEEL accepted. Why? Because that is how we are taught to be accepted and gain popularity by media.

Girls I’m here to say that:

  • You are beautiful without changing a thing.
  • No one and nothing can take your dignity away from you.
  • Someone may have temporarily taken your sense of dignity from you without your consent, but it was just that – temporary.
  • You are cherished, loved, and fully accepted as you are.

Personally, I have been sexually harassed on multiple occasions. The scariest time happened at work several years ago. It started with an IT issue and an IT guy helping me. Throughout the course of maybe a few weeks or months (it’s kind of a blur), I noticed he was the one helping me anytime I had a computer issue. This was weird but I didn’t think too far into it. He complimented my physical appearance and honestly I didn’t think anything of it. Then he began to flirt with me via chat. I told him I had a boyfriend and I was uncomfortable with his inappropriate comments.

It got weird when there would be another IT staff helping me with an issue but he would end up calling me and asked them to give the tickets to him. When I got to work early one morning, a sticky note was left with a phone number and message “CALL ME” on my keyboard. I don’t know for sure if it was him or not.

Everywhere I turned at work, it seemed he was there. The worst was being caught off guard and being alone with him in an elevator which happened twice I think. I remember literally feeling frozen and holding my breath and ignoring him completely until I got off the elevator. He didn’t try anything but I was completely uncomfortable to the point of being scared by the whole situation.

My boyfriend at the time, who is now my husband, encouraged me to talk with my supervisor so I did. My supervisor wanted me to talk with HR so I did that too. HR had a security guard keep watch over me when I left work. This guy wasn’t allowed on our floor at work or able to contact me for help with IT stuff. I found out later that he was a newly married man with kids. He stayed away for the most part and didn’t flirt with me anymore. I’ve also been approached by a pimp.

Married or not, keep your eyes peeled for harassment. There’s only so much benefit of the doubt you can give to a person. At any point of communication with a person where you get uncomfortable, make it clear that you aren’t okay with what they are saying or doing. And speak up for others you see being mistreated.

Stand up for yourself and say no.

Leave the situation if at all possible. Report the situation to HR at your work or law enforcement if it’s not work-related. Speak to law enforcement if at any point you have questions or concerns. And of course, go to law enforcement immediately if you have been raped or assaulted. I’m no expert in how to deal with this so use your discernment with the situation.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard of a girl who has let individuals get away with rape or harassment. And boys are too embarrassed and feel emasculated to come forward. Be empowered to get justice for yourself and encourage others to do the same. 

Think about situations that you or others have faced. Did you stand up to injustice or let it slide? Of course, vengeance is the Lord’s and we need to confront injustice in the right way. Going forward, let’s all make a conscious effort to be strong and vigilant not only for ourselves but looking out for the interest of others as well.

A Prayer For You

Lord thank You for creating me and loving me for who I am. Please bring healing to me emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Help me to not grow bitter but get stronger with Your guidance. I know that You have plans to give me hope and a future in You. Help me to trust those plans and follow Your lead. Give me the strength to stand up for myself and others when injustice has been done. In Jesus’ name, amen.