Have you ever felt like God is ignoring your prayers? There are multiple occasions where I thought God was completely ignoring me. But is He really ignoring us or is something else going on?

I prayed and prayed for a husband but felt slighted and angry every time I would meet Mr. Wrong. I was cheated on, lied to, and had a very bad taste in my mouth from dating. In all my tears and frustration, do you really think God was ignoring me?

The thing was, God had the perfect companion picked out for me but I was trying to force it. God was actually looking out for my best interest while I was impatient and starting to give up on finding the right the guy.

Another time I felt betrayed was when my Dad was diagnosed with cancer and given less than 1 year to live. Many of you already know this story but for those who don’t, we prayed and prayed for healing to happen but my Dad just got sicker. Cancer spread like wildfire all over his body. I started to seriously doubt that God could heal anyone.

My Dad was terrified because his lungs were starting to shut down and he was getting shortness of breath. I specifically remember him asking me to pray for cancer to be gone and for complete healing. I was scared myself and said, ‘right now?’ He said, “yes right now please pray for me.”

I remember being at a loss for words and feeling so nervous. I prayed for God’s peace to come over my Dad and said ‘Lord if it’s Your will, please heal Dad from having cancer.’ My Dad got so upset with me and said, “don’t you want me to get better?” I was shocked by his response but understood his frustration. I told him yes, of course, I want you to get better but not if that isn’t what God’s plan is.

My Dad passed away a few months after that prayer. We continued to pray for healing and my Dad tried nearly everything in his power to get rid of cancer. So is God a mean God who was ignoring us? Not at all.

I believe God put my Dad out of his misery and I’m thankful for that. I believe my Dad received the ultimate healing to be in heaven where there is no sorrow and no pain. Now why he got cancer in the first place makes absolutely no logical sense. I don’t blame God though. It just goes to show how short and precious our time here on earth is.

So was it wrong for me to pray, ‘Lord if it’s Your Will please _____?’ In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed a similar prayer. Jesus knew He was about to be arrested and undergo an agonizing death. He asked if God could find another way so He didn’t have to go through it. But notice how He began His prayer and ended it.

“Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.” Luke 22:42

God’s ways are much higher than ours. He sees the bigger picture. God has proven to me over and over that He has a great purpose for me. His plans have worked out way better than I could have ever imagined (even though I don’t always agree).

So why should we pray?

Jesus had the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of Him. Even He would constantly spend time in prayer with God the Father. How much more so do we need to spend time in prayer? Jesus was perfect and I hate to break it to you, but we aren’t perfect at all. We are flawed. We need God desperately to intervene on our behalves.

God DOES listen to us but 1 of 3 things will happen. The answer will be either: yes, no, or wait. Above I mentioned praying for my spouse. I felt God was ignoring me but really He was wanting me to wait and I did find my spouse several years later.

I want to encourage you that prayer can literally move mountains. Prayer is powerful. Even when you can’t see it, God is making a way. Don’t give up hope. Don’t stop praying for your breakthrough. If the God of the universe can calm the seas and the waves, don’t you think He can help you?

“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”
James 5:16

Remember no matter what the answer is, that God still loves you and has your best interest at heart. God’s best is just around the corner for you. Even though you can’t see how it could possibly work out, it will.


Take a moment to list all the things God has brought you through. When you feel yourself start to doubt Him, go check out that list and remember how great our God is.

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, thank You for this reminder of how powerful prayer is. Thank You for allowing us access to make our requests known to You. Show us how to pray and how to place our trust in You and Your plans. You are faithful Father and I know You care. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Below is an encouraging song called “Even If” by MercyMe