I’m excited to announce that Sharon Pankey has allowed me to share this post with you all! She is a very talented woman who loves the Lord and encouraging others. Be sure to check her out on her Facebook, Instagram, and WordPress sites at the bottom of this post.
Photo credit: Ashton Mullins
I think that sometimes we forget that we are apart of a much larger plan. That where we end up living, going to church and even our jobs have a greater meaning than we may realize. There are NO coincidences with God. He’s a God of perfection who carefully crafts every detail of our lives.
“You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” Psalm 139:16
Our lives are not our own and behind the scenes, God is often interlocking our lives with others for His plans and ultimately for His glory. God has an amazing way of placing the right people at the right time for HIS perfect plan to unfold.
Providence can be defined as “God, especially when conceived as omnisciently directing the universe and the affairs of humankind with wise benevolence; or a manifestation of divine care or direction.”
The book of Esther is a beautiful example of seeing God’s providential fingerprints throughout every chapter. I encourage you to take some time to soak in this amazing story but here’s a brief summary:
The King of Persia, Xerxes was married to Queen Vashti who soon found herself to be banished from the kingdom after refusing to obey an order from her husband. The king then issued a decree for all the beautiful women of the kingdom to become part of a royal harem so that a new queen could be chosen. This is where we meet Esther, a young Jewish woman who eventually won the heart of the king and was crowned queen (her nationality was not known at this time).
In the following chapters, we discover that a powerful official by the name of Haman has devised an awful plot condemning ALL Jews to death. Remember, Esther is now the queen and Jewish. Something had to be done. But who would dare to approach the king on this matter? The very lives of Esther’s people were at stake, as well as her own.
The following are the imploring words of her cousin Mordecai, (who adopted Esther after the death of her parents) “Don’t think for a moment that because you’re in the palace you will escape when all other Jews are killed. If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” Esther 4:13,14
The wisdom of Mordecai is very telling. He knew that out of all the young women who came into the kingdom, Esther becoming queen wasn’t a coincidence, it was the hand of God.
“And the king loved Esther more than any of the other young women. He was so delighted with her that he set the royal crown on her head and declared her queen instead of Vashti.” Esther 2:17
Though she held favor, her husband was still the king. There was protocol to follow. In those times, if the king did not summon you, you were NOT permitted to enter into his presence. Yet Esther, after a time of fasting and prayer, courageously requested to approach the king. Esther’s words: “…even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.” Esther 4:16
The events that took place after that was proof that God was behind the scenes granting favor, moving hearts and ultimately the lives of the Jewish people were spared.
Courage. Concern. Care. Consideration for others.
This was Esther’s story. She saw beyond the comforts of the palace. In God’s providential plan she was chosen to be queen so that others could live. Please don’t miss that. It wasn’t by coincidence that a young Jewish girl would be chosen by the king to be his wife.
Beloved, where has God placed you so that others will live? Who needs to see the salvation of God? Have you ever considered that the job promotion is more than a blessing just for you?
Have you ever thought that the new neighborhood he placed you in wasn’t just for you and your family?
What about the new friendships that have come your way? Why has God placed that certain someone on your heart?
Pray and ask Him. Fast if you are led to do so. I dare to say that we all are in a season of “Such a Time as This”.
You never know the lives that are attached to yours. You may not realize how submitting to His will and ways can impact the life of someone else. Keep your spiritual eyes open to His movement.
Never underestimate how important your obedience is. His plans are already in motion. He’s simply extending an invitation for you to be a part of something bigger than you could ever imagine.
© Sharon Pankey 2018
Photo credit: Ashton Mullins
Sharon Pankey is the author of a women’s devotional/prayer journal, “Hidden Treasures”. A wife and mother, she currently resides in Maryland. Currently, she is sharing the warmth and truth of God’s love on her blog, Resting in His Love.