I had to pray to know how to even begin writing this. If you don’t get sick or angry after reading this article in its entirety, check your pulse. God’s children are no longer for sale and I’ll explain what I mean.
In this Post
Irrational Fear vs. Reality
This is heavy but it’s a necessary appeal to everyone, especially to the ladies who don’t understand the current dangers we face in this world as being responsible for our littles. I know I wasn’t as aware as I am now…
Unfortunately, letting our little ones walk to school by themselves, go play down the street or at neighbor’s houses, being alone ever with adults, going to the bathroom alone, etc. are things of the past and aren’t safe today. It seemed like a silly notion until I had my eyes opened recently.
This realization I had came in the form of a sheet of paper as new parents we had to sign that rocked my world… No, it’s not simply an irrational fear for the safety of my own babies and others but the very real and present danger that lurks in seemingly safe places such as grocery stores, parks, parking lots, our homes, bathrooms, and other places.
After having my first child a few years ago, we were about to blissfully take the path of new parent life. But before being discharged from the hospital, my husband and I were given a list of insidious ways that individuals will try to lie, stalk, and attempt to steal our new precious baby.
I didn’t read it at first because I wasn’t in my right mind at the hospital and didn’t want to deal with it so I handed it to my husband to handle. When Garrett told me what the document was, I said ‘you’ve got to be kidding me’ and he said “no I’m serious” as I sat in shock.
I couldn’t believe that there would be such a paper handed to new parents to read and sign to acknowledge the dangers of child predators as soon as you leave the hospital doors… Especially not in a state within the heart of the Bible belt where people used to leave their doors unlocked way back in the day.
Since then, my eyes have been opened to the world around me in a way it never was before. I don’t go places alone with my babies no matter how confident I am in my abilities to protect them. In reality, I can easily be overpowered by one or more guys/girls especially when I’m holding onto or totally distracted by my kiddos! I’m not that pretentious or arrogant to think otherwise.
Before seeing the sheet of paper, I heard stuff in the news, saw things on TV shows, and I even had multiple friends who as kids were sexually assaulted by a Children’s pastor. It happened of course at a well respected Church of the community. But still, I felt far removed from the reality of things such as child predators.
I’ve seen so many local women post on social media – some I personally know and many I don’t – about being stalked and barely getting away safely with their children from a normal grocery or restaurant trip. I’ve had experiences and close calls when alone myself but I was high school and college aged, not a child.
There have been several cases where wifi enabled cameras to watch our little ones change and post the content on the internet have occured. We have to be very careful and intentional with the choices we make. Needless to say, we don’t have wifi connected cameras or ring security cameras inside of our house for that very reason. Again, it’s not silly or overboard, it’s a serious problem that is really happening.
We seriously have to be so watchful and careful of EVERYONE and in EVERY PLACE we go. We can’t get so tired and lackadaisical that we let our kids do things to simply get them out of our hair. Or do things ourselves out of convenience putting us and our loved ones at risk.
In fact, a notorious convicted pedophile gave his secret away of what he looks for in parents to start up inappropriate relationships with kids… they target parents of children that don’t pay attention and aren’t as involved with their children, especially with a strong dad figure lacking. Trusted adults such as teachers, neighbors, or pastors have actually been known to be the exact people who are hiding filthy secrets and looking to take advantage of children, married or unmarried.
The Department of Education estimates that 4.5 million students, or about 10 percent, experience sexual misconduct at the hands of a school employee some time between kindergarten and 12th grade. This is an old stat published in 2017 so who knows what the number is today…
To know the warning signs of educator sexual misconduct, the S.E.S.A.M.E. has more information.
What is a pedophile?
According to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th Edition), pedophilia is a Paraphilic Disorder called Pedophilic Disorder and assigned to adults (16 years of age or older) who have sexual desires for prepubescent children. There are two primary classifications of pedophiles, Preferential and Situational according to an article in Psychology Today.
The Preferential pedophile seeks children as their sole source for sexual gratification. They have no interest in adults to achieve their sexual fantasies and desires.
The second primary classification in the dichotomy is that of the Situational pedophile. As the name implies, the child-victim selection is based upon the situation, or the availability, of a victim. In this classification, the offender is not truly interested in children, but will use a child if a child is that is all that is available. Other potential victims are individuals who are elderly or who have a mental illness or some other debilitating condition – someone who, in their opinion, will offer less resistance.

“The Sound of Freedom”
My eyes have been opened even more to topics such as human and child trafficking happening here in my own hometown. It begs the question, why isn’t more light being shed on this? Amber alerts keep coming for kids but what about those that are smuggled across the border from other countries to be traded and go missing? Their lives matter too.
Recently a movie came out that is shedding some light on what’s really going on with child trafficking. It’s called the “Sound of Freedom” that is currently topping box offices nationwide. If you’ve heard of the popular Chosen series, you may know that Angel Studios produced it. They produced this film as well.
Star actor of the Sound of Freedom, Jim Caviezel who plays Tim Ballard says about this movie: “it’s really in the face of evil, can good still triumph and that’s what this film is… so it’s quite inspirational.” Also at the end of the Sound of Freedom trailer Jim says you can send a message: God’s children are no longer for sale.
We think that the human soul can’t possibly get as insidious and dark as those of mass murders or child sex crimes and pornography consumers but it is real. Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world. In fact, 8 million children are enslaved, whether that’s sex slavery, slave labor, or organ harvesting. At no other time in human history of the world has there been so much slavery.
To the best of our knowledge, we know that two million children are being sex trafficked every year. This comes from Tim Ballard and Angel Studios. So we could conclude there are millions of pedophiles and demented consumers to have a demand of that nature.
As a Mom of 2 babies, I can’t stomach the evil that goes on with Child Sex Trafficking…
The Story of Real Life Tim Ballard
I recently listened to an interview about the “Fight Against Worldwide Child Slavery and Sex Trade” and had to stop the video to weep and say “why God”. Dr. Jordan B. Peterson interviewed both Jim Caviezel, and Tim Ballard.
Tim Ballard joined the CIA originally to fight terroism after 911. After that he was asked to become a Special Agent for Homeland Security working as an undercover op for the U.S. Child Sex Tourism Jump Team. One big reason his supervisor asked him to do this was because of his faith, he would be able to endure soul crushing things in this job. He is currently CEO and founder of the Operation Underground Railroad which rescues children from sex trafficking and sexual exploitation.
Tim was faced with an option to either stop an operation before catching the perps and saving lives. He could either go home to the safety of his family and a $12 million pension that awaited within weeks or resign from his job to save the lives of children. What his wife said, changed the course of their lives forever.
She said he HAD to help them, there was no other choice because she wasn’t going to lose her salvation over it. She asked him if God were to interview you in heaven and ask if it was in your power to save the lives of these children from this operation, what would your answer be? If God said well what did you do about it, what would your answer be? That decided it for him right then and there to walk away from the 12 million dollars.
At the point in the interview where I had to stop the video and weep, Tim Ballard was asked to recall what he did and saw first working for this child sex crimes unit. Warning, the below is disturbing so skip the next 2 paragraphs if you aren’t ready to handle it emotionally…
Tim’s response was that “it was so shocking because I thought child sex crimes would be 15 year olds, 16 year olds, my brain couldn’t comprehend something more evil than abusing that age. The very first case I worked I reviewed VHS tapes that had been siezed… the very first image I saw were three little boys that were probably 7, 5, and 3, and they looked like my children having blonde hair and blue eyes… and they were being raped by this pedophile… I was so shocked I fell to my knees, I dry heaved thinking I was going to throw up. I jumped into the car and drove to my children’s school, checked out my 3 oldest kids, came home and sobbed on the floor. My wife came in and I couldn’t let the kids go just holding them shaking. That was my very first experience…”
What really got me was when he was comfortable enough to share what he graphically saw which is hard to even share or repeat on this blog but I will… “to be confronted with the reality that there are people on this planet, not a few but millions who want to indulge in watching five-year-old children be raped and sexually assaulted in ways… and I’m sorry to be so raw but to watch children’s bodies actually break in the act of sexual assault that your mind couldn’t conjure up if you tried to conjure it up.”
If that doesn’t break your heart like it breaks God’s, I don’t know what will. It broke me. He said this isn’t in the film obviously but it’s the reality of what’s going on. So yeah hold your babies tight, protect them fiercely, and don’t be ignorant to the fact that we aren’t bullet proof living in fantasy safe land because we aren’t.
We also need to be moved to take action in prayer and other means for the protection of these INNOCENT children. It’s horrific what’s happening and even more horrific that people are actually consuming this content and even justifying it.
A verse that came to Tim’s mind before sting operations to bust sex rings is the verse from Jesus in Luke 17:1-2. “It is inevitable that stumbling blocks come, but woe to one through whom they come! It is better for him if a millstone is hung around his neck and he is thrown into the sea, than that he may cause one of these little ones to sin.”
Per Tim Ballard, the greatest recruiting tool for traffickers is our social media platforms. They flatter you, want to be your agent, want to come take photos of you, etc. That’s how they recruit in the United States.
Tim suffers from PTSD from the videos, content, and operations he’s been a part of. Thankfully, with the the help of the Lord, his wife, and counselors he’s able to continue the good work of liberating innocent people of all ages.
Pornography is a Wicked Vine that Sucks the Life Out of You
The visual that comes to my mind thinking of how seemingly innocent, yet truly wicked pornography is comes from the show Stranger Things. In the show, the “Upside Down” is an alternate dimension that mirrors our world — or at least our world if it was a toxic hellscape overrun with creepy, moving vines, filled with murderous creatures linked together in a hive mind system, and is constantly experiencing electrical storms. People on the other side of reality have no clue of the toxic hellscape growing vines in the “Upside Down”.
America is the majority of the online pornography demand so that says a lot to me about where the sickos are… Child rape videos have increased in the past couple of years by 5,000 percent per Tim Ballard.
Pornography is no joke. It’s very serious and can lead to further and further dark content to achieve pleasure hence child pornography. This is the root cause of needing more illicit pornography content which has led to child sex abuse and trafficking.
What got serial killers into committing such heinous violent crimes? In many cases, you would find that the common denominator was pornography. They needed to physically act things out that progressively got worse because pornography was no longer enough for them.
What do Politics have to do with this?
I’m not sure if you’ve seen the 2 posts I’ve done on Christian Americans Where You At, but politics has everything to do with this issue! That’s why we can’t ignore them and not let our voices be heard! Putting politicians in place that only add to the problem are going to continue wreaking havoc and hurting innocent children.
The very laws that protect children and allow us to go after their captors are being and will be decaying and eroded with this crazy culture that is taking children in the name or liberating them and is in fact enslaving them. -Tim Ballard
Tim also mentioned that ICE border patrol are the very law enforcement professionals who are helping stop human trafficking at the border. Open borders being pushed by the democrats are a primary source of human trafficking going on here in the U.S.
We can’t shut down ICE and we can’t be blind to the fact that open borders are extremely dangerous. Deadly drugs are being smuggled in such as fentanyl by Mexican cartels at the southwest border.
In 2022, the DEA seized more than 58 million fentanyl-laced pills and 13,000 pounds of fentanyl powder. That’s nearly 400 million deadly doses that didn’t reach American streets, and more than enough to kill everyone in the United States.
The Bottom Line
I wish we didn’t live in a world where such evil and insidious things happened. We shouldn’t have to worry about our kids while they’re at school, church, who’s talking to them on social media, or out playing with neighborhood friends but here we are.
At no other time in history have human beings been enslaved as much as they are now with 80 million people and 8 million of those being children. Sexual predators and pedophiles are out there and we could conclude the majority of them are here in America since the primary child pornography demand comes from here.
I hope these things scare you and break your heart. I hope this information above is enough to cause you to think twice about putting your own children in harm’s way. I hope it moves you to action not only in prayer for the innocent victims but for evil to be uprooted and for justice to be served not only after this life but here on earth. I hope you are moved to support organizations that are doing the work and do your diligent research to make your votes count towards politicians that will truly protect innocent lives.
The good news is that there are still good people out there who are fighting for the rights of innocent lives. I hope you’ll join the fight too however you can. GOD’S CHILDREN ARE NO LONGER FOR SALE.
A Prayer for You
Lord Jesus, please show us how we can help protect innocent lives and protect our own children. Help us to not live in fear but to be wise instead. Please Lord God protect and liberate innocent people all over the world, especially children. Let them know they are loved by you. Reveal evil going on, shed light on what’s going on, and stir the corrupted minds of evil people to even come to know you Father. Please let justice be served to those who are responsible for hurting Your children. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Stay hopeful!