You know sometimes I wonder why God intervenes and why He doesn’t. Bad things happen to good people and I realize it’s because we live in a fallen world. Not everything ends as a fairy tale does. But I still believe God’s divine protection and intervention is still at work.

I’ve been reading a book series by my favorite living author, Karen Kingsbury called Angels Walking. It’s a fiction series about angels being sent to earth on specific missions to protect people from harm. I’m in the middle of the second book called Chasing Sunsets and loving every second of it. I lose interest in books so easily but Karen Kingsbury’s books are about romance, tragedy, and real life that I can’t get enough of. She’s a Christian fiction author for those who haven’t been introduced to her work.

What is so fascinating about this specific series is the fact that angels visit in human form to protect people. The enemy is hard at work trying to literally destroy and kill God’s children who are making a difference on earth or who will in the future. I know this is just a fiction book but I believe that God is really at work in protecting us.

A couple of months ago, my husband and I were on our way to eat lunch with family. It was a normal nice day with hardly any traffic and we kept hitting green lights (can I get an amen?) We were almost to the restaurant when suddenly in the distance I looked over into the oncoming lane and saw a woman in distress in the passenger seat.

She was waving her arms and obviously yelling at the man driving. He had his eyes on the road yelling back at her. We had a green light and they had a red light. He acted like he was going to slow down and stop as he should but he didn’t.

All the sudden we were about to collide with this angry couple running a red light and turning in front of us. At the last second, Garrett slammed on the breaks and we stopped in the middle of the intersection. They barely missed us. As they were going through the intersection the woman was even more furious that the man driving almost caused a bad wreck.

Garrett and I just went silent for a moment and then began talking about what had just happened sort of shock. I’ve had so many near misses with traffic that it’s not funny. I’m glad they were near misses though.

Now I’m not saying there was an angel there protecting us but I felt like God was protecting us. Maybe you’ve had a close call like this or know someone who has. There’s really three takeaways that I had from this incident…

  1. God is protecting us.
  2. We never know if this will be our last day on earth.
  3. We need to be careful not to get caught up in our own problems that we neglect reality.

That couple let anger get the best of them and neglected reality. Who knows, maybe the woman wasn’t at fault but the man for sure was. He was driving recklessly on purpose. If we aren’t careful our emotions can fog how we view the world around us as they did. This was an extreme case but hopefully, you get what I’m saying.

We can do really stupid things if we’re only focused on our issues and react out of emotion. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The decisions you make don’t only affect you, they have a domino effect larger than you realize. Let that domino effect be a positive one and not a negative one, even in the heat of the moment.

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your divine protection in my life. There’s no telling how many times You have protected me that I was unaware of. Show me how to live every day like it’s my last making a positive impact. In Jesus’ name, amen.

“God is our refuge and strength,
    an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
    and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.” 

Psalm 46:1-2 (NIV)

Stay hopeful!

Have you ever experienced God’s divine protection in your life? Leave a reply on this below.