What does ‘grace over grudges’ mean? If someone offends you intentionally or unintentionally, how do you respond? We have the power to choose between responding with grace or holding a grudge.

Anyone can act out of spite to get even and be bitter for years holding a nasty grudge. It takes a stronger person to respond with love. Responding with love and grace will give us peace to help us sleep better at night. Have you ever been so angry by holding a grudge that you couldn’t sleep? That’s exactly what I’m talking about.

What do I mean when I say respond in love? If someone cuts you off in traffic or gets your order wrong in the restaurant, are you kind and gracious or do you get angry and harsh? If someone insults what you believe on social media, are you kind or combative?

We all have within us emotions but as Christians, we aren’t to be led by them. Meaning we can act better than we feel. This doesn’t mean we should be doormats. It means that we should extend grace and try to be at peace if it’s possible with everyone. 

Sometimes we have to know when to stop engaging in a Twitter or Facebook war. We have to take a moment to breathe or step away before we say or do something we’ll regret later. Grudges are more easily developed when we aren’t choosing grace instead.

I don’t know about you but I’ve said and done things in the heat of the moment that can’t be taken back. I’ve hurt those around me. How many of you know that we aren’t here to make others feel worse about themselves but to spread Christ’s love instead? 

There will be times we have experiences with people who have evil intentions. Most times, people who are hurting are the ones who do the hurting. There’s more going on than what we can see. Everyone has a story.

Regardless, don’t let others dictate your happiness or well-being. No one is perfect and people will let you down. When people can affect your emotions, they are holding power over you. When you let them get under your skin, they’re holding that power over you.

Let’s be led by love and see everything through the filter of love. Let’s strive to extend grace and be at peace with others. Let’s let go of our anger and developed grudges. Let’s not withhold good from others when we have the power to help.

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, forgive us for the times we have fallen short of extending grace to others. Give us Your Eyes to see the world as You do. Show us how to respond in love and not be led by emotions. In Jesus’ name, amen.

“Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them.”

Proverbs 3:27 

Stay hopeful!




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