I’m a girl who loves having a plan! Unfortunately, things don’t always go as planned. Okay hardly ever do things go the way I imagine them to! When the unexpected happens, I tend to initially respond with worry even though it doesn’t help anything. A question that demands an answer is this: is it possible to beat worry?
I can be flexible for the most part but not so much when it comes to money. Recently we’ve had some unexpected expenses come up. We have a budget and emergency savings but the expenses just keep piling up. I feel like my husband and I have really been tested lately. Through it all, I’m learning how to trust the Lord with my finances and future.
As I was listening to Spotify recently, I came across a song that moved me to tears. The song was called “Faith” by Jordan Feliz. I literally froze when I heard the first few lines because at the time, I was being plagued with worry. It’s funny how God uses things to speak directly to you and your situation when you least expect it.
Check out the first couple of lines below.
“There is no ocean that can’t be parted
There is no mountain that can’t be moved
I know there’s help for the heavy-hearted
The weak will find their strength renewed”
The lyrics helped build my resolve to stay strong in the midst of worry. God has really been wanting me to study the word trust this year. Trust and faith go hand in hand. You can’t really have one without the other.

I don’t know if you’re like me and worried about what lies ahead. You might be plagued with worry about finances, a bad report from the doctor, relationships, work, the loss of a loved one, or some other kind of stress. Whatever it is, I want to remind you (and myself) that God is right there with you. Your circumstances haven’t taken God by surprise. God is in control.
The only way I have survived my worrisome habit is by fighting back with FAITH. “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11: 1. Obviously, we can’t see the future or what lies ahead. But knowing that God is in control gives me assurance and peace that my mind desperately needs.
My faith needs building on a daily basis. My thoughts really like to go crazy causing me to worry, doubt, and fear. In those moments, I have to take those thoughts captive. What do I mean by that? First, I have to realize that they are doing more harm than good. Second, I have to force my thoughts to stop and go elsewhere.
Lastly, I replace those negative thoughts with God’s truths. I think about scriptures that bring me encouragement like Isaiah 40:31 and Philippians 4:13. I also ask God to quiet my worries. It seems God is just one prayer away ready to respond and has been faithful to me every time. Faithful by bringing me peace and comfort in the midst of a storm.
Below are 3 reassuring things that God is doing on your behalf.
1. Fighting your battles
2. Arranging things in your favor
3. Making a way even when you don’t see a way
Let’s face it, we don’t have the ability to really control things in our life. Only God has that ability. Remember that we walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Friends, take courage and don’t be faint of heart because nothing is impossible with our God!
A Prayer For You
Lord Jesus, thank You for steadying my heart with this reminder. Help me to take courage and replace my fearful thoughts with Your promises. I trust You Lord and have faith in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
In what ways have you been able to beat worry?
Stay hopeful!
Your blog offers courage, hope, and comfort for others. Good job. Keep with Jesus.
Thank you Oneta for your encouragement. God bless you!
I beat worry daily by asking God to help me strength to meet the challenges and to help me through them. I also ask Him to walk with me daily because I know I can’t do it on my own. I’m a bullying survivor so when I was child I was glad for my family who were my support system. I’m glad for them today too. Don’t worry, it’ll put wrinkles on your face and nobody wants to be around a sour puss.
Awesome! I ask every day for help too. Haha that’s true you don’t want more wrinkles! I didn’t think about that reason. Good one!