How many of you have prayed prayers that you are thankful God didn’t answer? My hand is definitely raised! Unanswered prayers can be a huge blessing believe it or not. I am thankful for unanswered prayers and I’ll explain why.

Sometimes an unanswered prayer is an answer.

I’ve prayed for jobs, relationships with guys, school grades, healing for others, and much more. The answers didn’t come how I was praying for them to. But looking back now I think to myself, “Wow I’m sure glad God didn’t answer some of my prayers”. Meaning I had no idea what I was wanting was not God’s best. It would’ve actually harmed me if all those prayers were answered how I wanted them to be. I’m so thankful for God’s guidance in my life and that His plans are so much better and beneficial for me!

Some things worked out even better than I could’ve dreamed. Like with my husband. The other guys wouldn’t have been the best for me in the long run but God knew best when he chose Garrett. He knew the whole time Garrett was the one for me even when we both were praying for our future spouse and even while we were dating other people.

My family and I prayed for healing for my dad when he had cancer. I came to realize that my Dad passing away and going to heaven was actually the ultimate healing. He was suffering as long as he was still breathing because cancer can be relentless and cruel. In heaven there’s no more suffering or pain, only rejoicing.

So God didn’t answer the prayer like I was hoping for healing but God knew best. My dad had the opportunity to get right with the Lord and he did. His eternal well-being was significantly more important than my wanting to spend more time here with him.

I can’t claim to know more than God because that would be madness. He knows everything about us- past, present, and future. He has a plan for our lives if we let Him lead the way.

As I’ve gotten older and more mature in my walk with the Lord, I still pray and ask for help of course. I just pray in a different way. I pray for whatever it is but add at the end, “If it be Your will”. Almost every prayer I pray now also includes “Not my will be done, but Your will be done, Lord”. He knows better than I do and I trust Him to lead me in the right paths.

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, You know the beginning from the end. You know all about the situation I’m facing and it has not taken You by surprise. Lord God, please help me to trust You and the process even if the answer to my prayers isn’t want I would like. Give me the wisdom and strength to know that Your will is always better even if I don’t understand. I thank You that You are always working behind the scenes for my good and I trust You. Let Your will be done in this situation. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Are you thankful for unanswered prayers?

Unanswered Prayers