Have you lost someone special or close to you? Have you ever thought about if they’re in heaven or what heaven might be like? Well, there was a song written called I Can Only Imagine that brings this discussion up. It was the first christian song to go platinum and double platinum digitally in 2014. This hit song has a story behind it and just a month ago, it hit theaters nationwide.

The movie is about Bart Millard the lead singer of MercyMe and how he came to write this song. It’s really a moving story that depicts heartaches and adversity that we all face in life. This movie helps you put into perspective what truly matters and that there is hope at the end of the tunnel. 

Many people in the theater were moved to tears. I’ve got to say, it was very difficult to sit through a movie when you literally know what they went through because you lived a lot of it yourself. It was embarrassing to be ugly crying to the point of gasping for air because you’re sobbing so hard in public. Thank God I was able to keep it together enough during the quiet parts of the movie!

I’m not much different from you. We’ve all been through adversity and suffered a loss in our lives. Some experience more pain than others but it affects all of us. These experiences can either tear us apart or make us stronger.

What painful memories do you carry around with you? Are they tearing you apart? About 6 years ago, I finally gave God all my pain, anger, and hatred towards my Dad. Trust me I didn’t want to let it go but God knew it was weighing me down.

Bitterness is literally a weight of bondage holding you back from enjoying your life now. Trust me it’s not hurting them at all but it is hurting you. I urge you to lay your pain at the feet of Jesus like I did. You’ll be surprised how much happier you are and how heavy you were being weighed down before without realizing it.

As I get older I’m realizing how short life is. We aren’t invincible and never know when it will be our last day. Are you ready to face eternity and will you go to heaven? Being a good person won’t get you there. The only way there is through believing in Jesus. And it doesn’t matter how bad you’ve messed up. Did you know that He died to give you this free gift of grace?

If you haven’t made this decision you can do it now.

Pray this out loud: Lord Jesus I believe in you. I believe that you died for me and rose again. Please come into my heart and forgive all my sins. Become the Lord of my life. Thank You for washing me clean and giving me a fresh start. Show me how to live for You. In Jesus’ name, amen.