Today I’m thankful that I have the opportunity to vote. Many countries don’t have this luxury. Several men and women have died so that we have the option to vote in America. Sometimes we take this for granted. And we forget that women and African Americans were not always able to vote until later. 

In this election, we have an opportunity for our voice to be heard on federal and state levels. Not just for the presidency but for local officials and state questions that affect us all as well.

I encourage you to vote today and remember that every American has this right and the right to their opinion. It’s not the time, nor will it ever be to slander and bash other people for their beliefs. Be respectful of others’ opinions even if they disagree with yours. You don’t have to act hatefully just because someone else is. It takes a bigger person to remain respectful.

A final word: keep it classy.

Prayer for America

Lord thank You for Your grace and mercy. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to vote in this great country. I pray that you would give me sound wisdom and understanding with voting on government officials and questions with this election. I pray that Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I pray that America’s heart would turn back to You. In You we place our trust. In Jesus’ name, amen.
