It’s Christmas time and we hear all these things about the real meaning behind it. Are we missing something? I want to explore another perspective with you this year. 

As many of you know, Garrett and I washed each other’s feet as our unity ceremony during our wedding. Some didn’t understand why we did this and asked about it. I explained that this was an act of showing how we will love and serve one another by putting each other’s interests above our own.

Many of us miss out on a key part of what being a Christ follower truly means. You see the most esteemed position in Christianity isn’t being rich and giving the most. It’s not being a “perfect” person either. It’s being a humble servant leader. 

“You can make any day better when you take your focus off of self and begin looking for ways to help and serve others.” -Joyce Meyer

Christ exemplified this when He washed His friends feet after traveling on dirty roads. That’s why Garrett and I agreed to do this at our wedding. 

Society today is so focused on themselves but we can’t follow in their footsteps. We’re set apart to be a light in this hurting world. Let’s not forget to be servant leaders during Christmas when we’re so busy doing everything.


When’s the last time you did something for someone without expecting anything in return? 

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, thank You for this reminder to be a servant leader in a broken world. Show us opportunities to help others without expecting anything in return. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Stay hopeful!