How brave are you- as brave as Corrie Ten Boom or Dietrich Bonhoeffer? What about Rosa Parks, Mother Teresa, or MLK? If you think you can’t possibly ever measure up to those people, you’re wrong. It’s time to rise up!
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Mother Teresa once said: “beautiful are the ways of God if we allow Him to use us as He wants.”
If no one has told you recently, you are beautiful, you are perfect the way God made you, you weren’t an accident. God created you on purpose to do great things for Him. It’s time to believe in yourself…
No one else can carry out our purpose in life, what we were meant to do, so yes what you do is of great significance. It’s time to rise up and step into the calling of the Lord no matter how scary it may seem.
We can make all the excuses that we can’t do this right now, we’re too busy, or we don’t have the talent for it but again, it’s time to rise up! It’s time to step out of our comfort zones and embrace our God-given talents and desires to make a difference in the world.

I didn’t realize it was national women’s month but I believe women should be honored for all they do. A lot of it may be unseen within the walls of their house but all the blood, sweat, and tears we shed for our families and for others don’t go unnoticed by God. Our prayers aren’t unnoticed either.
Several women in my life have played key roles in different seasons of my life. My biggest encourager, my strong praying Momma, has been the biggest help to me in every season of life. She is loved by all who meet her and is a leader in the workforce. She has taught me to love the Lord and be brave.
My Grandma has taught me to love the Lord and not take any crap from anyone. My mother-in-love has helped me talk through difficult decisions and has been a wise-sounding board.
I came across another important woman to me, Joyce Meyer on TV years ago, at pivotal times of my life to share simple transforming truths that helped me find freedom from many things. From fear, unforgiveness, toxic thoughts, shame, and she still encourages me to this day. Kari Jobe’s music was instrumental in encouraging me through some dark times as we discussed in the last podcast.
Lysa Terkeurst, the founder of Proverbs 31 ministries, inspired me to encourage others with my writing as she does. Priscilla Shirer is an actress I admire who speaks with authority. I’ve heard her speak in person. Her book on prayer strategy called “Fervent” helped strengthen my prayer life.
Last but not least, Karen Kingsbury is one of my favorite authors who brings me to tears (in a good way) with every book I read. I fell in love with the Baxter family from the beginning in the Remember series. She has a special way of weaving in God encounters with real-life difficult things in her fictional stories. There are many other ladies: teachers, pastors, friends, family members who helped me get through things and be stronger than before.
I’m very blessed to have godly women in my life who lead by example and make a difference in every sphere of influence. This is why it’s so vital that we listen to God’s calling for our lives so that we can be a blessing to others as well. Whether we’re scrubbing toilets, changing dirty diapers, or meeting with world leaders- we can make a difference where we are.
I’ve been reading this Bible Youversion app plan by Jo Saxton called “Ready to Rise” which has inspired my title and sharing this with you all. I haven’t read her books but I can see the Lord in her with the words she shared in this plan.
I came across some things she shared in the “Ready to Rise” Bible plan that really moved me. My inner overachiever self enjoyed these quotes…
“Jesus consistently demonstrates that He is far more interested in people’s characters than in their gifts, titles, connections, and achievements. It is still true today. We cannot present or perform our way out of our own brokenness, no matter how hard we try. Jesus doesn’t need us to keep it all together, to pretend life and loss haven’t happened to us.”
Success is not a bad thing at all when it aligns with Lord’s plans for our lives. When you find yourself reciting how rewarding something is word for word as spelled out in your company motto, you may need to rethink what you’re doing. At the same time, the Lord can use seemingly mundane and boring jobs or tasks for His purposes.
Years ago I found myself striving for success to prove something to myself and others that wasn’t even necessary. It was out of a broken relationship with my Dad that I lost myself trying to be successful and make money.
When I submitted my plans to the Lord and let Him guide me, it transformed my life for the better. I’ve always had this strong desire to help people but didn’t know how. I was wandering around, frustrated, not knowing what degree to get in college and what to do afterward.
I’ve been taking one step closer to my calling each day and it seems I just recently have discovered it. I’ve finally tapped into what the Lord has had planned all along by becoming a wife, mom, and trying to simply share hope with others.
Stepping into God’s plan for my life has taken overcoming a lot of things including unforgiveness, anger, fear, my mouth, selfishness, shame, pride, and many other things to even get to a place of stepping into these roles. I couldn’t have overcome these things or felt the joy of the Lord as I do today without His help daily.
The Lord has been working on me for years on these things very patiently. He also hasn’t been forceful, it was my decision to make of course. I’ve found the Lord’s plan to be much more rewarding than my previous attempts at success. How many of you know that His way is always better?
How can we rise up and reach our potential in life?
I’m no pro in this area, I still have a lot to learn but I know giving Him all our brokenness, our hopes, dreams, and desires are the first step. Drawing closer in our relationship or walk with the Lord is the next step.
Then applying what we learn is the final step. We then must follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit within us day by day, moment by moment to carry out His plans for our life. His ways won’t always make sense and they sure aren’t the easy way out but they are certainly worth it. I’ve experienced life with and without the Lord and there is absolutely no comparison. There’s no doubt in my mind that His way is always better.
I still struggle with doubts, insecurities, fear, (to name a few) but the Lord is showing me how to fulfill my purpose in life. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. If he can help a mess like me, God can certainly help you reach your God-given potential as well.
I want to leave you with this profound and powerful quote from Jo Saxton and some scripture…
You have life-changing, culture-shaping, heaven-touching-earth type of influence. You have a commission to fulfill.
Whoever you are:
Your potential is worth cultivating.
Your God-given dreams need exploring.
Your talents and gifts need affirming and developing.
Your voice needs to be heard.
Your call needs to be responded to.
Your part in the Great Commission needs to be fulfilled.
Your influence needs to be unlocked.
Your impact needs to be felt.
You are worth investing in.
So it’s time to rise up.
-Jo Saxton
“Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
A Prayer For You
Lord Jesus, I need You. I need You to intervene in my plans and show me how to fulfill my purpose in life. Please give me the strength, wisdom, and bravery to carry out Your will no matter how insignificant or significant it may seem to me. Your way is always better and I trust You to take care of me. Thank You for making me brave and helping me to rise up. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Who has inspired you and who do you aspire to be? Leave a comment below!