Camping this past weekend at the Rocky Mountain National Park was an absolute blast! The fresh mountain air cleared out my allergies, it was breathtakingly beautiful, and I got to spend time with Garrett and his family (now my family) that I treasure deeply. This was my first national park visit and I am so thankful that we have national parks in America that keep nature and wildlife preserved and beautiful. Cooking outside, enjoying campfires, climbing up a small mountain, great company, and the hike on the trail to Bear Lake and Alberta Falls was amazing! I cherish this experience and the beauty captured in photos like the one above!

This experience gave me time away from ordinary life to ponder and realize how blessed I am. It is amazing what you begin to realize is not necessary for survival but makes life much more comfortable. I have taken things for granted such as warm shelter, running water, hair dryers, mirrors, and bathrooms. There are people in this world that don’t have access to these comforts. It’s important to be thankful for what we do have instead of focusing on what we don’t. Sometimes it’s harder to find things to be thankful for but when you take a moment, you will realize there are more than you realize! Here are a few things I am thankful for!

  1. The family vacation to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado was a blast! I got a chance to marvel over God’s handiwork with creating the mountains and trees that were turning warm fall colors. Seeing the wildlife was equally amazing!
  2. A dear friend is now cancer free after having surgery. She now reads Jesus Calling devotions daily and is very thankful to God and me for suggesting it to her.
  3. My stepdad was recently forced to retire but found a new job.
  4. My warm apartment.
  5. Warm bed.
  6. Shower.
  7. Sink.
  8. Hair dryer
  9. Makeup. Lol
  10. Not being worried bears are headed for the tent.
  11. Good health.
  12. My amazing husband.
  13. My family and friends.
  14. God giving me more time on Earth to make a difference.
  15. God’s grace, forgiveness, love, and goodness.
  16. Good weather while camping.
  17. Safety for myself and my family.
  18. Reminders of how good God is and how we have so much to be thankful for!

Join me in being thankful during this holiday season and in looking for ways to give God thanks and glory. Prayer is powerful and thanking God in the midst of every circumstance opens you up to blessings unimaginable.

Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, we thank You for blessing us abundantly. Forgive us for taking for granted Your blessings and show us how to be thankful in every circumstance. We pray that You would bless us and show us favor as we serve You with all that we have. In Jesus’ name, Amen.