As Garth Brooks put it, “Just because He may not answer doesn’t mean He don’t care, some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.” This song “Unanswered Prayers” was a #1 Billboard Country hit a year after I was born for a good reason. Garth Brooks has it right, we have a loving Father above who knows what is best for us even when we don’t understand.

I have had plenty of prayers go up at different times throughout my life where I felt God didn’t answer. The trials made me stronger and the boys I crushed on were not the right ones for me. God knew all along that it was best for me to move on and He had the right man for me. I’m so glad God didn’t answer yes to those prayers! At the time I felt my world was ending and it was difficult but God worked it out for my good, eventually.

Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” This is a verse I have grown very fond of and that is now written on my father’s gravestone.

Two years ago I was attending Sunday School with my dad when they were studying Max Lucado’s book, You’ll Get Through This. If you’re going through a very difficult and painful time in life, I encourage you to read this book (See video clip below). The quote below was mine and my dad’s survival guide for the next 10 months of him battling cancer until May when he was called home.

“I’ll get through this,
It won’t be painless.
It won’t be quick.
But God will use this mess for good.
In the meantime, don’t be foolish or naive.  
But don’t despair either.

~ Max Lucado

We prayed for healing fervently but he wasn’t healed. I believe he experienced the ultimate healing by passing on. Now he is no longer suffering and struggling on earth. His testimony remains and I will have the privilege of getting his book published one day so it lives on. He had an amazing testimony through it all. It most certainly was not easy for him or my family and I. His last words were a firm undeniable declaration to my Uncle Greg. “I believe!” is what he said and asked my Uncle Greg, “Do you believe?… No do you really believe?!” Uncle Greg said “Yes I believe!” Dad said “Ok” and those were the last words he ever spoke.

Evil that was meant to harm us can work out for our good if we put our trust in Him. Job in the Bible was allowed by God to be tested by Satan and lost almost everything; his sheep, his oxen, his camels, his servants, and all of his sons and daughters. He suffered from sore boils from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. His friends insulted him and his wife said to curse God and die. But Job was faithful and still blessed the Lord. It wasn’t painless or easy but guess what? Job was faithful and God restored him with more than he had in the first place.

You may be facing a diagnosis, lost a loved one, your parents may be divorcing, your husband may have left you, or you’re in financial trouble. Maybe like Joseph in the Bible, you did the right thing and were punished anyway. Joseph had a married woman who was his boss, Potiphar’s wife, come onto him day after day. Finally, she came on so strong that he had to run out of the house. Potiphar’s wife took his garment when he fled the house and lied to her husband about what happened. He was then placed wrongfully in prison. But God restored him and he ended up a prominent leader in Egypt and saved his generation from starvation.

Let God guide your heart and watch how blessed and rewarding your life becomes even through the most difficult trials. Bless Him in the good times and in the hard times of life. This means even when you don’t feel your prayers are being answered. Remember when hard times come, it’s only for a season. God has an ultimate purpose that will work out for your eventual good. Keep fighting the good fight of faith and God will give you what you need to make it through.

We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed;
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭4:8-9

A Prayer For You

Lord thank You for knowing what is best for me and having a purpose that works out for my good. Continue to show me in every moment what Your will is for my life.  I will praise You in the good times and I will praise You in the hard times. Father, I know you will get me through it and work it out for my eventual good. I will not be overcome! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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