<<<Book Club is back! We are in Prayer Strategy 3 in the Fervent book by Priscilla Shirer. Here are some of my thoughts after reading about identity and below is the link for the book and movie the War Room>>>

Who are you? How do you identify yourself? What makes you, you? Identity is what brings a sense of purpose to human beings. How you define yourself will shape your reality.

“Truth – God’s standard and viewpoint about us – must come first in our hearts and minds.” -Priscilla Shirer

About 2 years ago I was posed with the introspective question: do you believe you will go to heaven? Easy question right? Well not for my analytical mind that goes in a million different directions. Now this wasn’t the first time I thought this through but this time stands out in my mind because I finally had a breakthrough. My first initial thought was if I say or think yes, then I will be thinking too highly of myself like I’m arrogant or something. My second initial thought was a resounding, ‘I hope so’.

What kind of answers are those? Do they line up with what God says about me or any other person who accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior? The correct answer is a big fat NO. That wasn’t living in the freedom that Jesus brings at all. I didn’t realize how complicated and twisted I had made it. I’m literally implying that Jesus’ persecution and sacrifice of Himself on the cross for my sins wasn’t enough with that type of thinking.

I know I’m not the only one out there who hasn’t at some point known for certain how to feel or answer this question when posed. Here’s the truth: when you ask for forgiveness of your sins and accept Jesus into your life to be the Lord of your life, you are forgiven. As Priscilla explains, you are chosen, regarded, adopted, redeemed, forgiven, secured forever, and have an inheritance in heaven. Don’t take my word for it though. Check out Ephesians chapter 1 for yourself. If you have any other thoughts that don’t line up with the Word, you can throw them out immediately like I’ve learned to do.

So Jesus wants to give us a fresh start, a new life full of freedom and joy. The enemy by stark contrast Priscilla explains “wants you lifeless, disengaged, brainwashed into believing you have nothing of value to offer. That’s why he doesn’t want your nose in the Word or on your knees on the hardwood. Because that’s where the light comes on.”

We don’t realize the power right at our fingertips. We are already defeated before the day begins if we don’t equip ourselves with this power. Because knowing who you are and what you believe is empowering. It only takes a few minutes in prayer and/ or reading scripture to begin renewing your perspective on your identity in Christ. All of us need to wake up and realize who we are in Christ. You are treasured by your Father and He loves you fiercely! He has plans to do you good and give you purpose in life.

This quote from Priscilla says it all. “The enemy has been telling us for too long that we’re no good, washed-up, and not quite up to par… but now we know the truth. We can clearly see that he’s been lying for the purpose of keeping us from even trying to put up a good fight against his planned attacks. But no more.”

Some of you need a little fire in your belly! It’s time to get mad and take that holy indignation out on the enemy instead of yourself. Stop tearing yourself down and start looking up. Yes, you have weaknesses but you also have strengths. Don’t waste any more precious time focused on your weaknesses or dwell on your mistakes. You are worth more than that.

A Prayer For You
Lord thank You for redeeming me and loving me fiercely. Forgive me for not realizing Your truths about who I am. Show me when my thoughts aren’t lining up with who You say I am. Remind me to replace those thoughts with Your truth. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Remember when reading and creating your own prayer after each chapter that Priscilla urges readers to use the PRAY method with each strategy and apply it personally to your prayer life. The P stands for praise, R stands for repentance, A stands for ask, and Y stands for Yes. I encourage you to create your own personal prayer on the topic of identity and ask God to show you how to start viewing yourself as He does.

As always, drop a comment if you have any questions and let me know if you have any prayer requests. I can keep the conversation confidential if need be. Prayer Strategy 4 – Your Family is the next chapter in Fervent so be sure to stay tuned for that! Have a great week and God bless you!


Stay hopeful!