Oh, the irony that Ready Player One came out a few days before Easter when a protagonist of a film is trying to find an easter egg. Surely it wasn’t a coincidence!

If you want to see a good adventure movie and you’re interested in games, Ready Player One is a good pick. Really even if you don’t enjoy video games you might like it. My husband is a gamer and a twitch streamer, EagleGarrett and I’ve played games for years so we enjoy gaming. We have never read the Ready Player One book by Ernest Cline but Steven Spielberg did an awesome job directing from our point of view.

So what’s it about?

It’s the year 2045 and the world has become overpopulated and unenjoyable. The whole premise of the game is to escape reality by putting on a virtual headset and going into a world called the Oasis. A place where the only limits are your own imagination.

The creator of the game has died and left an easter egg in the game to find. You only have to find the three keys before attaining the easter egg. This easter egg means winning half a trillion dollars along with complete control of the Oasis.

Insert Wade Watts, a normal young person on a mission to find this easter egg. He meets friends along the way and faces an arch enemy with more resources and power than he possesses. The movie was action packed and full of pop culture and video game references. And honestly, I could see the world being this way maybe in another 50 years or so, scary as it may seem.

But I got to thinking about the concept of escaping reality. And yes I’m going to go a little deep here because I just can’t help it. We all face circumstances in life that we want to escape at one point or another. It might be a difficult financial situation, diagnosis, stressful job, strained relationship, etc.

Whatever it is we’ve all been there. I want to encourage you and say don’t give up hope. This struggle you’re facing seems impossible to handle right now but you’re stronger than you think. And God has a plan to bring you hope and a future. He sees you and your situation and you are not alone. We live in a fallen world where crappy things happen but we have a big God who will be there to walk beside us through it all.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

A Prayer For You

Lord I pray that you would be with my friend reading this post. Let them know that You are real and see what they are going through. Give them strength and renewed hope in the circumstances they face. Show them that You have a plan and hope for their future. In Jesus’ name, amen.

If you have a prayer request, please let me know so we can pray for you!

Below is the trailer for the movie. It’s rated PG-13 and had dozens of cuss words, a naked lady in a tub but only showed her legs and back, and one virtual reality sexual caress. Here is the full review of violence, sexual, and spiritual content:   http://www.pluggedin.com/movie-reviews/ready-player-one