If God was looking at the way I’m living my life, would He be pleased? What would He think about the way I interact with others I drive past, with my coworkers, when I’m with family and friends, with strangers, or when I’m alone?

The funny thing is, God is omnipresent so He is always there and sees everything we do. He is also All-Knowing. Most of us know this but now and then we need a reality check.

Here are 2 questions that I encourage you to really dig deep and answer honestly:

  1. What are some positives and strengths you have shown that God would point out in your life in the past week? 
  2. What are some things He may say you need improvement on in the past week? 

When we search our hearts and ask God to reveal what we need to work on, He is faithful to respond. Through recognizing our weaknesses, God begins to make us stronger. 

Once you recognize a weakness, thank God for loving you enough to show you and for giving you the power to overcome. Praise God for your strengths as well. Remember God’s grace is enough.

A Prayer for You

Lord, search my heart and reveal to me what is not pleasing to You. I want to live my life on purpose and make an impact for You. Thank you for giving me the strength to overcome. In Jesus’ name, amen!