Walking into a rustic café filled with the aroma of fresh coffee beans and pastries. Ordering a steaming cup of coffee made to order that indulges the palette while sinking back in a creaky wooden chair. Overhearing philosophical exchanges between people and warm greetings from the barista as others enter. Looking outside seeing a breathtaking view of tall wooded trees with fall leaves turning warm beautiful colors.

Well, that was a lovely daydream. For now, I’ll sip my cup of coffee from my little apartment and be content. Everyone needs a coffee break and time to get away from life’s stresses. Screaming kids, family conflict, budget deadlines, and busy schedules can leave us running on empty. It’s important and healthy to take time to unwind with others or by yourself.

    “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:33-34

Have you noticed what Jesus says before saying, “Do not worry about tomorrow?” I believe it was a subtle hint that we need to seek Him first before anything else. When we do this, He will guide us throughout the day and help us accomplish what needs to be done.

It is vital that we take time for ourselves before we get drained but also seeking God first. Imagine Jesus holding a full glass of water and a woman running by Him full steam ahead only catching a few drops in her glass. This is what we do when starting our day without going to God first. We need a full glass of water to be refreshed and filled with strength and wisdom before tackling what lies ahead in the day.

I try to wake up and thank God for the new day and check out the verse of the day on YouVersion. At night to unwind I read Jesus Calling or one of the Christian books on my “to read list”. I also try to pray with my husband before we go to bed. I encourage you to be refreshed with God’s word and prayer each day before you take on the world in a way that works best for you. Remember to be mindful of Him throughout the day as well. After all, He is the reason why we are here.

A Prayer For You

Lord we come before you weary and drained. Forgive us for not seeking You and thanking you each day. Please remind us to seek You first before anything. We know You will give us what we need to get through the day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Check out my playlist on Spotify called Christian Coffeehouse below