So what does it really mean to be a woman as described in Proverbs 31:10-31? We hear everyone’s opinion of how we should look, what we should say, and how we should act. But how does the Word describe a woman after the heart of God?

“Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭31:30‬

Let’s break down what Proverbs 31 reveals to us. Below are the qualities of a worthy woman outlined for us in this chapter:

  • She does her husband good and not evil her entire life
  • She is hardworking with a happy heart
  • She provides food for the family
  • She invests her money in worthwhile things
  • She builds up her physical strength to perform necessary tasks for the family
  • She is confident in her good works
  • She helps those who are in need
  • She gives to the poor
  • She prepares for the future
  • She provides nice clothes for herself and her household
  • She contributes to the success of the family
  • She shows strength and dignity
  • She smiles at the future
  • She speaks with wisdom, teaching kindness
  • She actively takes care of her household

My hope is that you will look at this chapter and aspire to become this kind of woman like I do. You may look at this and say I could do a lot better in multiple areas such as spending money wisely, treating your husband respectfully rather than harshly, or being able to smile at the future instead of worry.

Everyone has room for growth no matter how “together” they may appear. I encourage you to be more aware of areas you can work on. You can overcome anything with God’s help when you seek Him. Not just half-heartedly but whole-heartedly seeking God with everything you have.

Is the trouble really worth it? Proverbs 31:21-31 show us that a woman with these qualities is appreciated and blessed by her husband, kids, and everyone. Her hard work and way of life is honored by all and blessed by God!

Having a moldable heart is all that Christ wants from you. This means being open to change and to continually strive to become the woman He has called you to be. He wants you to listen for His voice and be sensitive to the needs of others. The Bible says that each day has enough trouble of its own so let’s just take it one day at a time.

We are daughters of the most high King – treasured and accepted as we are. He shows us unconditional love that we cannot receive from anyone else. He places gifts within us that have a specific purpose for us to fulfill. Let God guide your heart and begin to develop into your full potential. You are worth so much more than you realize and have a blessed life ahead of you.

A Prayer For You
Lord we thank You for giving us a chance to have life more abundantly. We thank You for creating us beautiful in Your image. Please lovingly show us how to become the woman You’ve called us to be. In Jesus’ name, amen!