What do you do when life gives you lemons? This is the question that stumps many who don’t have hope in something more than themselves and the world around them. But as Christians we have hope in the Lord no matter what happens and we can overcome through Christ who gives us strength.

Psalm 33:20-22 gives us some guidance on how to approach life’s difficulties with 3 actions we should take.

  1. Wait in hope for the Lord.
  2. Rejoice in God believing he has a future and hope for our lives.
  3. Trust in Him to meet our needs and heart’s desires.

Waiting is not my forte and neither is being hopeful when I feel a situation is hopeless. And this is just the first step to overcoming. It gets even harder with step 2.

I don’t know about you but it’s hard for me be happy let alone praise God when the storms come. Then we finally reach step 3, trust God with all your heart, mind, and soul.

Now these steps are difficult to do but when you know you will come through it stronger than before you know it’s worth it. God gives us this guidance because He wants us not to just survive but thrive when we face every easy or difficult situation in our lives.

God’s love never fails us even when others around us do. Always remember God loves you and will never leave you. You can make it through any situation when you give it to the One who holds the world in His hands.

A Prayer for You

Lord thank You for making a way for me even when I can’t see it. Thank You for never leaving me and giving me a hope and a future. Help me trust in Your love always. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Stay hopeful!




What do you do when life gives you lemons?