I started off the day by getting a free Starbucks drink thanks to a gift card I received. I was so excited to try the pumpkin spice chai tea latte that my sister said was amazing! I had a few sips while driving to work and my sister was right, it was very tasty! I pulled into work, got out of the car, and tried to carry everything in. I think you might guess where this is going…

My hands were too full and I was trying to pull off a balancing act. I had my drink sitting on top of my leftover to go box from the night before. It was cold outside and I only wanted to make one trip in. Anyway, I saw my beautiful Starbucks drink start to wobble as I attempted getting out of the car and holding everything. Not my brightest moment I know. It toppled over and I saw my entire sweet latte’s life flash before my eyes.

After being shocked and bummed out, I couldn’t help but laugh. I knew I was carrying too much. So many of us do this same thing in our own lives. We think we have to “do it all” and do it right now. We don’t stop to ask ourselves is this too much for me?

The spill also made me realize that we sometimes take life too seriously. At least I do. We are just too rough on ourselves at times. We can’t laugh when we make a mistake. We get so frustrated and carry that tenseness on throughout our day.

How do we fight it?

We need to learn to laugh more instead of beating ourselves up. Laughter is great medicine for the soul. Of course, we learn from our mistakes and try to avoid them but we aren’t perfect. So if by me spilling my delicious drink today and sharing this with you helps you lighten your stress load, I’m okay with that. Join me in learning to laugh more and start enjoying life even through the rough patches.

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, help me to stop taking everything so seriously. Replace my negative thoughts with faith, joy, and peace. Bring more laughter into my life. Let others see Your light through my words and actions. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Stay hopeful!




How often do you laugh?