Where do you turn when your soul desperately needs peace? Today we’ll talk about the most long lasting peace and where you can find it.

In a technological driven society, it seems we have rarely have quiet moments to ourselves. When we do, we get nervous and start fidgeting with our cell phones or turn on the TV. 

Not to mention we also seem to be in a hurry wherever we go. We don’t wait in lines at the grocery store. We don’t want to wait long in the drive through. (Thank God for Chick-fil-a). We want everything to run smoothly each day.

Unfortunately life is not that kind to us every day. Life isn’t a fairy tale for most people. What do we do when all hell is breaking loose around us? 

The kids are screaming, the dog had an accident on your carpet, your spouse is being difficult and argumentative, and you find out later that a loved one is terminally ill. Where do you go for peace?

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6‭-‬7

In the heat of the moment, sometimes we have to take a deep breath and say a quick “Lord help me” prayer to ourselves. Then we can keep our cool and not have to regret our actions later. 

Most of us have heard that we should pray about things that worry us. But how many of you actually pray as a last resort instead of first? How many of you worry instead of trust God and enjoy the present moment?


Ever since I was a little girl, stress has negatively affected me to the point of having heartburn and my stomach hurting. In fact, when my parents were fighting so much when I was a little girl, I had to take acid reducer medicine. 

As I’ve gotten older, I have begun to pray about things more. I’m not going to lie, I still have heartburn and a weak stomach during stressful times but prayer has even eased that. I can say that I have experienced sweet peace in the midst of both crises and heartaches thanks to God. 

I have found peace and comfort like nothing and no one else has ever given me. Believe me, I tried other things to find peace but it never lasted. That’s why I’m urging you to find this same long lasting peace for yourself. If I can find it, so can you. Also see 3 Ways to Find Peace in Place of Anxiety

Jesus is the Wonderful Counselor and Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). As Christians, we have so much power we can tap into with prayer but don’t do it. We’re too busy to take a moment either out loud or to ourselves. 

It’s just ridiculous to me that we choose to live in misery when we have the Holy Spirit that Jesus left for us right here inside our hearts. Seriously what are we thinking? Yes I’ve been guilty of this too.

How great would it be if we all started our days off with prayer about the day ahead? We’d be in the right attitude and prepared for what’s in store. Then when trouble strikes, begin to pray. At the end of the day, pray before bed with your family. 

I’m not talking just cookie cutter prayers or basic ones that are the same thing every time. I’m talking about heartfelt conversations with God about what is troubling you and what you need help with. 

My morning prayers are very broad at first but then get very specific. I pray on the way to work and it takes about 5-10 minutes. Here’s an example broken down into 5 parts. This is only an example. Pray however you feel led to.

Skip to the “reflection” section if you don’t have time to read morning prayer example.

1st Part – Thank God

I thank God for all of His many blessings in my life. If I have time, I get real specific and thank Him for things that I can easily take for granted if I’m not intentional.

2nd – Christians Around the World

I pray for Christians, that we will all be strong and be a light in a hurting world. Also that the words of our mouths and the meditations of our minds would be pleasing to the Lord. 

I pray for all Christ followers that we would be kept from temptation and delivered from evil. That we would have favor and blessings. And that God would show us things we aren’t doing that we need to. Or show us things we need to stop doing, private or publicly. In other words, open doors and close doors of opportunity so we are living in His will.

3rd Part – World & Local Leaders

Then I get real specific with things going on around the world. I pray for all world, national, and local leaders to have wisdom and for the Lord’s will to be accomplished through them. I also pray for their families. I pray not only for government leaders but for every leader. Such as in hospitals, schools, militias, court systems, law enforcement, firefighters, businesses, and families.

4th Part – Hurting People

I pray for all the innocent to be protected and for those that have needs to be met. I pray for those that are hurting to be comforted and healing for those that need it. For relationships and marriages to be restored.

5th & Final Part – Loved Ones 

I end it by praying for every friend and family member of mine. If I know of current situations they are facing, I pray about that. I pray that all those who don’t know the Lord, would come to know the Lord. I also list people I know in my immediate circles. 

I also pray for Garrett and I’s needs. I end by declaring that I trust the Lord and love Him very much. I thank Him for everything He’s done, all that He’s doing, and all that He will do.

At Night

At night, Garrett and I try to pray together before bed but we need to be better about it. In the morning, sometimes I’ll call him and we’ll pray together while he’s in bed and I’m on my way to work. We also pray over meals together and every Sunday on the way to church. 


If we truly want peace, we have to start living like it. We have the tools available but we just have to use them.

I challenge you this week to try praying at least at the beginning and end of everyday in whatever way you feel led to. I was simply giving you an example of what I do. It can be as short or long as you want it to be.

You can pray alone or with family. You can also pray out loud or to yourself. I find that praying out loud seems to be more powerful for me. Also, as problems arise throughout your day, try praying as they happen.

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, thank You for all of the many blessings in my life. Please show me how to find true peace that only You can give. Draw me closer in relationship to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Stay hopeful!