I wanted to encourage you today. Your soul may be in despair. You may feel like your prayers have been ignored, your dreams crushed, but it’s time to pursue the Lord like you never have before. Hope again, believe again, trust again, and He will give you new strength.
All those things we know we should do but keep putting off, it’s time to start doing them. When we were closest to the Lord and on fire for Him as Christians, we need to remember what that was like. How excited we were to wake up and get to know Him more each day.

The pastor of my church was talking about this recently and I think he was dead on. We need to get back to the place of striving after the Lord like we mean it and can’t get enough of Him.
As the deer pants [longingly] for the water brooks, so my soul pants [longingly] for You, O God. My soul (my life, my inner self) thirsts for God, for the living God.
Psalms 42:1-2
Some of us have been just breezing through life without feeling desperate about pursuing the Lord. Life happens, I get it. I pursued the Lord whole-heartedly at different times in my life. I recall vividly when I was about 11 or 12 how passionate I was about reading the Bible and getting to know the Lord I was, willing to do whatever He asked of me. I need to get back to that level of tenacity in my walk with Him.
It’s Time to Stop Resting
I know when I say “it’s time to stop resting” it sounds counterintuitive and I may even sound a little crazy. We hear everywhere about how getting good rest is essential for our health and yes this is true but allow me to explain what I’m talking about…
We can have all the excuses in the world but it’s time to wake up from our slumber (rest) and realize that other’s lives may depend on it. That person on the hospital bed feeling alone and needing a miracle needs you. The innocent child needing a safe home needs you. The couple fighting with each other instead of fighting for their marriage and kids need you. Your town and country needs you. Your church needs you.
It’s time to step up and lean into the Lord.
Where are my prayer warriors at? We need to start praying again. Not just haphazardly once a day but fervently all the time like our life depended on it. If we’re the type of people who like to serve others, we need to get back to serving with all our hearts. If we lead, we need to lead with a new confidence and focus.
Why are you in despair, O my soul? Why have you become restless and disquieted within me? Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God.
Psalms 42:11
God is still a God of miracles. God is still true to His Word and His promises. We need to stop feeling sorry for ourselves and our situations and think beyond what we can see. It’s time to stand on His word. It’s time to get on our knees in prayer. It’s time to get serious about our relationship with Him and what He’s called us to do. Our lives and other’s lives may literally depend on it.
It’s time to believe again. It’s time to hope again. It’s time to help others again. Don’t you dare throw in the towel until you’ve breathed your last breath. That’s when you can rest and get your reward in Heaven and be with God. Until then, keep doing what you’re called to do… Keep pursuing God fervently and doing His work.
Stay hopeful!