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At our wedding a year ago, Garrett and I decided to do a foot washing for our unity ceremony. Several people who attended said how great it was and how they enjoyed it. I had some who asked what it symbolized. I was studying John today and was reminded of the significance of the story in John 13.

“Then He poured water into the basin, and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded.” John 13:5

The night before Jesus was arrested and persecuted, Jesus washed the disciples’ feet. When it was Peter’s turn to have his feet washed, he was shocked and questioned the Lord. Peter did not understand that he was almost robbing Jesus of being a blessing to him because he felt unworthy. In John 13:8, Jesus answered him, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.” Peter finally understood.

Isn’t that just like what we do when we feel unworthy of God’s goodness? We feel like we don’t deserve His favor and end up missing out in life. What we learn from Peter is that we need to be confident in receiving God’s grace and blessings if we wish to be in a relationship with Him. No one is worthy and deserves His love but He pours it out regardless. So we can be confident and rest assured in His love for us.

“If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.” John 13:15

Jesus explained to His disciples that He wants them to wash others’ feet just as He has. Meaning they should serve others as Jesus served them. We are called to love others the way Christ loved us.

My husband and I wanted to do something different for our unity ceremony that was special to us. Garrett mentioned doing a foot washing and we both were excited about it. But I began to get skeptical because I didn’t know if I could get down to his feet with my huge wedding dress. Then Garrett showed me a video where the husband was washing the brides’ feet during a wedding. It was then that the Lord gave me peace and opened my eyes to what foot washing meant.

Garrett and I were both in agreement to publicly display love and service for one another as Christ did with His disciples. We wanted to start our marriage with the foundation of serving and loving each other as Christ loves us. Serving others doesn’t just apply to our spouses but to everyone around us.

“If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them.” John 13:17

It’s easy to get caught up in pride or just in our own little world and neglect others around us. Jesus tells us to be on alert and prayerful so that we aren’t caught up sin like this. This week before Easter, please examine your heart and see if you are serving others as Jesus instructed. The Lord will bless those who serve others.

A Prayer for You

Lord, thank You for reminding us to serve others like You did and still do. Please forgive us and show us how to love others we come into contact with. Thank You for Your grace and love. In Jesus’ name, amen.