So I decided to start eating better and exercising regularly! Already I feel more energized throughout the day plus I also feel less stressed! My aim is to drink more water, eat cleaner foods, and exercise 3 times a week. This all started because I’d love to be able to run at least one 5k this year if not more.

To help with this 5k training, I downloaded the C25K app. It stands for “Couch to 5k” and it’s the best personal trainer I’ve had for running. Distance has never been my forte but this app makes it attainable. It keeps your daily and weekly schedule and all you have to do is click start. Then, a voice prompts you what to do next along with a running countdown. You start with a warm up walk and then go through variations of walking and jogging all the way up until a few weeks later when you can run without stopping.

I don’t know about you, but I have the tendency to eat my feelings. Stress really spurs those feelings on like I deserve more pop, candy, or junk food. Feelings lead us astray a lot of times because, in reality, clean eating and exercising make you feel like a new person. I am literally living proof of that right now. I haven’t felt this good since college when I used to run and workout with my team!

This choice to eat better and exercise was made not only for my health but because I care about my family. What do I mean by that? Well, not only do I want to be around for my family but I don’t want to ever be a burden because of my poor health decisions. Diabetes along with all kinds of things runs in my family. I just want to do my part to take care of myself.

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

1 Corinthians 6:19

How can I deny the fact above that I should take care of my body? Of course, the original context applies to the sexual conduct of our bodies. But this verse can be applied to our hygiene, fitness level, what we consume, and obviously what we do with our bodies. Self-control is a fruit of the spirit that definitely comes into play when caring for our bodies. With prayer, knowledge, a positive attitude, and consistency, we can meet any reasonable goal we set our minds to!


Below are 4 ways to reach your health goals:

1. Gain health knowledge

2. Set a goal

3. Keep a positive attitude

4. Be consistent

Drop a comment on how you stay healthy and what you could do better!

A Prayer For You

Lord, forgive me for not taking care of my body like I should. I know it’s Your desire for me to feel great and enjoy life. Show me how to meet my health goals and be disciplined. I need Your help in staying strong and consistent with my health choices. In Jesus’ name, amen.