If you’re like me and have a “cozy” office job, you may be starving your body from the energy it needs without realizing it. I struggle with grogginess and fatigue on a daily basis. Coffee has been my only survival method until now!

Have you had it with being exhausted all of the time? I am and I did some research for us. Below are 5 energy boosting tips you may find helpful like I did.


  1. Sleep more in the night. Avoid drinking caffeine or alcohol before you go to bed to prevent restlessness. A rested you will be a more productive you. You’re a human being, not a zombie.
  2. Take breaks. Has anyone else felt the glazed over feeling staring at your computer? That means it’s time for a break! Get up from your desk and go walk around for 15 minutes. Do this once or twice per day to increase energy levels.
  3. Snack every few hours. Have you experienced a crash after eating lunch and need a nap? Your body needs consistent fuel and odds are you cram a lot of food down your throat only once or twice per day. Food is an energy source for our body so it makes sense that we need to maintain a consistent energy level by snacking on healthy foods in small portions. Especially if you’re sitting for hours on end staring at a computer screen trying to focus as I do.
  4. Schedule dedicated times for tasks to avoid multitasking. For example, Michael Henke, a senior manager at E&Y began checking his email just twice a day at 10:15 am and 2:30 pm. He told his staff to call if they had an emergency and he would pick up. The results? He now is able to focus on the task at hand and keep his inbox de-cluttered.
  5. Be in the moment with those you care about. Checking your phone while your spouse or child is talking to you shows you don’t care. We don’t get many moments face to face anymore because of our tech-driven society so make it count when you do. Show your loved ones that you care. You can check your phone and get back with someone later.

Next week I’ll discuss more in depth what “healthy” eating means to me. My mindset is a lot different than most. I hope you’ll join me here again next week!

Stay hopeful!




Sources Cited

McCarthy, Tony SchwartzCatherine, et al. “Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time.” Harvard Business Review, 8 Jan. 2019, hbr.org/2007/10/manage-your-energy-not-your-time.