What is the truth about Christians? Are they really hateful people? In this post, you’ll see 5 common myths about Christians and who they are really.

5 Myths About Christians

  1. Christians are judgemental
  2. Christians are cowards
  3. Christians are mean
  4. Christians are unknowledgeable
  5. Christians lead a boring life

If you’ve read any of the Bible, you’ll come to realize that true Christ followers don’t exhibit the character flaws above. No one is perfect but the Word says you will know people by their actions. Our actions can’t lie but only God is the judge of you and me. He sees the full picture of what’s going on inside that no one else can see.

5 Truths About Christians – Who They Are Really

  1. Loving
  2. Patient
  3. Compassionate
  4. Peaceful
  5. Joyful

Are you surprised by the 5 truths above? Did you think Christians are judgemental and hateful? Nah, we’re actually told to be the opposite of those things by Jesus Himself. Thank God for His grace and mercy because no one is perfect.

Being a Christ follower isn’t easy but it’s worth it. Christians get a lot of crap especially in the world we live in today. But we have to ask ourselves this question: are we living to please others or are we living to please God? Are we living for right now or are we living for the future?

Words will always hurt but we have to come to a place where we don’t let it continue to bother us. How can we ignore the haters and continue doing good? Here are 5 ways to combat criticism.

5 Ways To Combat Criticism

  1. Recognize who you are in Christ. Don’t let others label you something you aren’t.
  2. Know that hurting people hurt other people.
  3. Not everyone knows the truth about being a Christian. People are either ignorant or are ignoring the truth so they don’t have to face reality themselves.
  4. Your gracious and kind response will be more effective than being harsh or belittling someone.
  5. Live to please God and not others. Even Jesus was persecuted and mocked for His devotion to God.

God can use us in a mighty way if we apply these things to our lives. It breaks my heart at how many people are hurting and lost. They need us to live out our lives so they can see a glimpse of Christ through us.

“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.” Matthew 5:11

We don’t have time to play games when lives are in the balance. Eternity is a long time and every human being will either spend in Heaven or hell. That’s the reality. Don’t go looking to stir up trouble but don’t let others make you feel like a less of a person for being a Christian. Remember to be at peace with everyone and love everyone, including your enemies.

Keep your head up and stay strong. Keep being a light to a dark world no matter what others may say or do to you. Remember that God will never give you more than you can handle. He will be right by your side through it all.

“Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, thank You for reminding us of who we are in You. We aren’t weak and we still have fun as Christians. Give us the strength to handle mocking in the right way. Help us to not grow weary in doing good. Light our hearts on fire for you with a flame that will never go out or be hidden. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Stay hopeful!