Have you felt like you’ve been missing out on something? Do you feel like you have more to offer than what you’ve contributed up to this point in your life? I have good news for you, the secret to unlocking your potential is below!

The key to unlocking your potential lies in making the most out of your today. The book below opened my eyes to that fact that excuses and laziness will no longer cut it. Self-discipline and consistency are the things that make dreams become a reality.

Today Matters by John C Maxwell

No one ever wakes up one day and is suddenly successful. It takes hard work, focus, discipline, and consistency. They aren’t only doing the things they enjoy but are doing difficult things. Doing the difficult things is what separates the successful from those who wish to be. 

A few weeks ago we spoke about A New Approach To Goal Setting. I’m happy to report that I have indeed been more successful than ever reaching my goals! Setting monthly goals has been a game changer for me. I hope you have found the best way to reach your goals as well.

Everyone has specific God-given abilities but few truly utilize them.

Remember the parable about the talents? If you don’t use them, you’ll lose them. If you do use them, you’ll be successful and gain more out of life. It takes courage and the willingness to try. It’s okay to try and fail at something. The only time we truly fail is if we don’t learn from our mistakes.

The only guarantee for failure is to stop trying” –John Maxwell.

For example, I love to learn and learning is one of my strengths. When I’m actively studying and reading up on different interests of mine, I’m utilizing that strength. In return, I’m not only enjoying the journey but I’m able to provide you all with inspiration and better content.

Is it easy for me to spend my evenings working on researching, sharing, and writing content? No, especially not after working 8 hours every day. I want to come home, kick off my shoes, and watch a TV show. But, I feel a higher calling in my life to write and to encourage you all. If I can just encourage 1 person each day, that is enough for me.

5 Ways To Unlock Your Potential

To simplify the keys to unlocking your potential, I created 5 bullets to get you started.

  • What gives you excitement and energy to do? See this post for what that means.
  • What are 5 of your main strengths or gifts? 
  • Apply your answers from the above questions to find out what your dream is.
  • Organize your thoughts into short achievable goals to make it a reality.
  • Keep pressing forward and making new goals.

What are you waiting for? We aren’t promised tomorrow. All we have is today. In the parable of the talents, Jesus shared a frightening revelation about the servant who was afraid and hid the money. “From those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away” (Matthew 25:26,29 NLT).

I believe that we have a potential greater than we realize. Potential that will bring either life or death to many souls. We might not see the effects first-hand but know that people are always watching you. You are making a difference by the things you do, say, and post.

Now I’m not saying to make rash decisions and quit your day job. Also, I’m not saying you have to come up with a dream out of thin air. Your calling might be to help others dreams become a reality. That’s nothing to be ashamed of! We can’t make our dreams happen all by ourselves!

I’m urging you to start where you are right now and with the talents you have. God will open up doors of opportunity as you take bold steps of faith forward. For example, if your dream is to donate millions to help orphans find a loving home, start with giving $5 to a trusted organization. Don’t let excuses keep you from making small steps now towards your dream.

Also, know that we have different seasons in life that might take us in different directions than we intended. God can use you wherever you are but you have to be willing and alert.

If you’re like me, you might be in a season of preparation right now. I feel like I’ve been in this season forever and I’m anticipating my breakthrough. Or you might be in a season of survival where you are hanging on by a thread to get through the day. 

Don’t give up! There will be ups and downs in every season. There will be times of triumph and times of adversity. God is right there with you and is making a way even when there is none. He will guide you through to victory! He will use you to greatly impact His Kingdom. 

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, thank You for the talents You’ve blessed me with. Forgive me for not utilizing them as I should. Please give me direction as I place my trust in You. Show me how to stay focused and reach my potential. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Stay tuned for leadership posts and join me in reading the book below! All of us have the ability to become leaders.

Developing the Leader Within You John C. Maxwell

Stay hopeful! 

Heather Danielle