
Are we headed for a dead end like the media is convincing us? I certainly don’t believe so. On the contrary, I have been feeling this strong sense that a revival or awakening is in the works. The feeling is only growing stronger as time passes by. Now more than ever our nation needs healing. Our families are in shambles around the world. People are hurting and desperately holding out their hand hoping to grasp a lifeline.

I believe it’s time for us to be more intentional with our faith than ever before. I have been hearing the word intentional from different leaders of the faith a lot lately and I know it’s not just happenstance.

The only way to start turning back the tide of hopelessness is to first be intentional with our time in prayer and in conversations with God. The real enemy is trying to deceive us into thinking that there is no hope for our nation or the world. Satan wants nothing more to bring you down because he knows you can really do some damage in a good way for the kingdom. You are a threat because you actually speak life and love to others. Misery loves company and if satan is doomed for misery than he is going to try and take everyone he can with him. So we have to recognize that we aren’t fighting people, we are fighting the enemy and it’s time to take the fight to him.

We need to start asking God to heal our land, to heal our families, to heal leaders around the world, and to draw all hearts to Him. For addictions and strongholds to be broken, for fearlessness and boldness to take over. For power to overcome anything keeping us and others from their full potential and destiny in Christ. For peace in the midst of chaos, for hope in seemingly hopeless situations.

My wise father-in-law said recently, “when you get intentional with God, he will get intentional with you”. It may require you to be more vocal when you see someone struggling. God may call you to volunteer and help speak up for those who don’t have a voice. He may want you to mentor a young girl struggling. Whatever it is, God will most likely call you out of your comfort zone.

Now I’m a very cautious person by nature so I know how much it pains you to hear this because it hurts to even share it. But it’s time to get intentional and be bold in not just lip service but in action.  Remember people are always watching how you act and react so if nothing else, exemplify Christ in all you do.

Don’t let the enemy distract you and divert your attention away from helping others. Let’s boldly respond with intentional faith this year. Share love, compassion, and grace with everyone you see.

If we get intentional I believe God can and will open the floodgates of heaven and bring healing to our hearts and homes around the world.

A Prayer For You

Lord, thank You for awakening my heart today. I pray you will reveal to me anything holding me back from my potential and give me strength to overcome. Help me to be intentional with my time with You and sharing Your grace and love with others. Bring healing to this nation and nations around the world. Guide world leaders with wisdom and mercy. In Jesus’ name, amen.