Sweet Anna has made her debut into this world! Although she is little, she is fierce! She’s known as the velociraptor milk monster by Daddy, loves cuddles with Momma, smiles as she dozes off, and isn’t afraid to voice her opinion. She is so strong already turning over at 1 week old.

All these long 9 months of carrying her and even the 36 hour labor have been COMPLETELY worth it for this precious little miracle! Even during this whole pandemic we didn’t expect. I’d do it all over again for sure, just look her at her!

I didn’t know I could love so much until I held her for the first time and our eyes met. My first words to her were: “I’m so proud of you Anna” and “wow you’re so beautiful” as I got choked up. I felt something dripping on my shoulder and turned to realize it was my husband crying. I will forever treasure these moments.

We didn’t expect to have her during a pandemic but believe she was born for such a time as this (Esther 4:14). I was glad to have my husband Garrett by my side. He has been the best labor partner and the most attentive father I have ever seen. His love for me and for Anna is so apparent! I am so blessed by these two! ❤

I pray you all are staying safe and well during this time. May God bless each and everyone of you and keep you safe!

Stay hopeful!