20170726_231753_1501129663520Isn’t she cute? Beth Moore is such a spit fire! I had the privilege of hearing Beth Moore speak for the first time yesterday, July 26th 2017. I also spoke briefly with her and let me tell you- she is the real deal! Her message was so moving and most left the service with wet eyes and introspective hearts.

She began on her knees in prayer before the Lord so that she could serve us and share the message God gave her. Talk about humility, she is living it! I was so impressed that a woman with her status in the public eye is staying so humble before the Lord. And that’s what it’s all about.

Her message was gut wrenching and brutally honest. Throughout her message people were laughing, crying, oohing, and giving standing ovations while clapping. It’s inspiring to be around such a strong woman of God sharing heartfelt truth.

She spoke about how we weren’t placed in this generation in the world by accident. God has a plan for us to carry out but too many of us are missing it. We get so caught up in appearances that what we are putting on is more of a performance than what God is calling us to do. She explained that, “your true calling cannot be done in your flesh. ” You have to be spirit led and not just do things in your own ability. God will call you to do more than you can do on your own.

So many christians today are trying to be relevant more than follow the Lord. They don’t realize that following the Lord will naturally make them relevant. She said christians today are more focused on competing with each other instead of battling the real enemy.

Beth explained that we have become complacent because easy has made us lazy. She went on to also say that “we get dangerous when we start reading our Bible; not reading what others say about the Bible.” This concept has been so heavy on my heart recently.

I found it fascinating that she gets a new Bible every 6 years. She explained that she gets to a point where she knows where everything is because of all the highlights and notes. But she wants to learn NEW things that the Lord is saying. The verse below has been on her heart recently.

“Behold, I am doing a new thing.” Isaiah 43:19

I’ve felt this sense of urgency to explain to others how crucial it is to read their Bibles and to spend time alone with the Lord. We have become so lackadaisical with our so called faith. I’m just as guilty as the next person but I’m working on it.

Busy is not an excuse. Was Jesus too busy to come and die an excruciating death on the cross for your sins? No He wasn’t. If He was here in person would you walk away when He’s talking to you because you’re too busy? You know the Bible is alive and active. Jesus is the Word and is speaking right through those pages into our hearts but yet you don’t stop to read and listen to Him. If you don’t take time for Him I’m convinced He won’t take time for you.

“Can we all just get on our faces and pray for an awakening?” -Beth Moore

The overall theme of the message was to ask God for forgiveness. To go back to our humble roots and ask God for a holy fire to stir within us that will never go out. To regain our spiritual tenacity and start genuinely living for the Lord. To join our brothers and sisters in Christ on our knees in prayer for an awakening around the world. To never again grow complacent until we’ve reached every lost hurting soul.

A Prayer For You

Lord please forgive us for not always living out what we say we believe. We owe You everything. Please light a holy fire in our hearts that will never go out. Show us how to reach this generation and bring an awakening that can be felt around the world. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Below are some refreshing books Beth Moore has written and I encourage you to read them as well. I’m halfway through Audacious and enjoy her humor and enthusiasm she brings to the christian walk! 
