Have you lost your ability to blush? In an age where right is wrong and wrong is right, we have to take a stand for what is true.

What is the truth? We’ll explore 3 ways to check if we’ve lost our ability to blush.

Truth is not relative and different for people. The Bible hasn’t been evolving into something totally different. The principles and standards are the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. 

Don’t just follow what other people say, do the research yourself. We have so many people blindly following the blind because they’re too lazy to discover the truth in the Word of God.

If we aren’t careful, we begin to worry about what others think of us instead of what God thinks. Stop trying to please other people. People will form their own conclusions about you no matter what you do. 

“Leadership means speaking all the truth—sometimes unpleasant and painful truth—that God has entrusted to us.” John Maxwell 

Take a stand for what’s right and don’t let anything slide, especially not in your house. Not with your kids. Not with your friends. Be honest but do it in love

Christians can come across harsh when they speak the truth but they don’t do it in a loving way. Same as any other person sharing the truth with someone. 

There’s also a right time and place. Calling out strangers and condemning them for their sins is totally against the Bible. Building a friendship and exemplifying a Christ-like loving person who cares about them is how you witness. 

We don’t put other Christians or anyone on blast publicly to shame them. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the right and they’re in the wrong. That’s NOT how you handle conflict as a Christian. 

You don’t immediately or ever condemn people because it’s not your place. God is the judge of us all and it’s His place to do that. Also, check your own heart before you try to point out flaws in others.

We don’t confront other’s sins who aren’t Christians. They’re obviously sinning because they aren’t Christians. You pointing that out won’t draw them any closer to a relationship with God. It’ll only turn them away.

If we have a close friend who believes in God and we see them doing something that is harming themselves or those around them, then we can confront them in a loving way privately. That’s the biblical way to “correct” a Christian brother or sister in a loving way.   

“Are they ashamed of these disgusting actions? Not at all—they don’t even know how to blush! Therefore, they will lie among the slaughtered. They will be brought down when I punish them, says the Lord.”

Jeremiah 8:12

3 ways you can check to see if you’re losing your ability to blush.

Check your heart to see if you…

  1. Watch, do, or condone things that are against the Bible.
  2. Find yourself justifying things you know are contrary to the Word of God.
  3. Distance yourself from others who are Christians.

How to find your way back to God? 

Stop doing the 3 things mentioned above. Get plugged back into reading the Word to find out how Christ followers live their lives. Surround yourself with positive, godly people and avoid toxic ones. 

Pray that God would draw you closer in relationship with Him. That He would forgive you of your sins and that your heart would burn with a fire for doing His will. 

Saying and doing the right things are never easy, but they’re worth it. I challenge you to take a step back and look at your life to see what kind of person you are and are becoming. 

Does your life reflect 10 Characteristics of a Christ Follower?

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your grace and mercy. I don’t want to lose my ability to blush about things that break Your heart.  Forgive me for things I’ve been justifying in my own life that I need to give to You. Show me how to become the man/woman of God You’ve called me to be. I want to glorify You with everything I say and do. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Stay hopeful!