Is there ever a situation where all hope can be lost? I believe the answer is yes and no. The first option you have is to believe all hope is lost. The other option is to give the situation to God who holds the keys to unlock hope in your life. The truth is this: God wants us to be hopeFULL not hopeless. 


It all starts with your thoughts that form your beliefs. If you think a situation is hopeless, then it will be. If you think and believe God is making a way even when you don’t see it or understand, you have hope.

I like to begin every day with a prayer on my way to work. Yes, I pray out loud and look like I’m probably talking to myself. This doesn’t bother me because I care more about what my Creator thinks than what others think. Anyway, sometimes I feel a strong pull from the Holy Spirit to begin praying for people around the world hurting.

I get emotional praying for those who are facing difficult times in their lives and need hope to step in. I know that there are so many people out there of all ages facing different situations. But, the answer is always the same- now, today, and forever.

Jesus came to bring hope and a future to those who believe in Him. To those who accept that He died for our sins. Jesus, the One who said “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” while He was being tortured and publicly humiliated.

So how do we get this hope?

Tell Jesus about all of your worries, fears, and burdens that you carry. Ask Him to help you overcome the situations you face (See Psalm 22:19). Then believe He has the power to bring you hope and give Him the glory when you get through it. You will get through it. 

“For He has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; Nor has He hidden His face from him; But when he cried to Him for help, He heard.” Psalm 22:24

Your situation does not make you hopeless. How you respond to the situation will determine if you allow hope in or not. Read and declare the verse below like you mean it.


 A Prayer For You

Lord, please bring hope to my hopeless situations. Bring peace in the midst of chaos and heartache. Show me how to trust You even when I can’t see or understand what’s happening. I give you all my worries, burdens, and fears right now. In Jesus’ name, amen.