How Much Faith Do You Have Really?
Do you find it hard to believe that God will answer your prayers? I’ll tell you, my husband and I have been tested recently. I’ve struggled with my faith that God is going to provide.
Do you strive for self-improvement? Growing up, my Dad really drilled into my head that people should strive to be successful in life. May 5th marks five years of him being gone. The legacy he left with me was to be constantly improving in all areas of my life including spiritually. For more about the history of my Dad and I, you can find that here Broken Hallelujah and “Look What You Made Me Do”.
You know sometimes I wonder why God intervenes and why He doesn’t. Bad things happen to good people and I realize it’s because we live in a fallen world. Not everything ends as a fairytale does. But I still believe God’s divine protection and intervention is still at work.