Why are so many people unhappy even though they are rich, successful, and/or famous? People looking in say “Wow, I wish I could have a life like that!” Meanwhile, those same people we envy feel completely lost and depressed.

Everyone feels an un-explainable void or has past hurts and some look to fill that void with things other than God. Things like substance abuse, self-mutilation, overspending, overeating, partying, unhealthy relationships, etc. Where does this emptiness come from? Where is true happiness found?

Ecclesiastes 1:14 – So I hated life, because the work that is done under the sun was grievous to me. All of it is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

Things and accomplishments don’t bring fulfillment to us as the world portrays. Ecclesiastes 2:25-26 says “for without Him, who can eat or find enjoyment? To the person who pleases Him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness…”

The answer is simple, in Christ alone we discover our true purpose and find ultimate fulfillment. This is why, even in the daily grind of life and through life’s tragedies, Christians who seek a genuine daily relationship with God don’t go unsatisfied. He is the only way to fill the void we all feel no matter how many good deeds we have under our belt, the wealth we accumulate, or achievements we accomplish.

To make it in this life, we are taught to go to school, get a career, and make lots of money to buy things to impress people we don’t like. Having money and success isn’t wrong but that isn’t what it’s all about. What the world doesn’t tell you is how to truly have a purpose and find happiness in everyday life.

Some people do “good” for others and make it a life goal to cure diseases, fight poverty, and give money away. Good deeds are amazing and don’t go unnoticed but that doesn’t give you complete fulfillment. Good deeds alone can’t get you what you long for. You can’t earn your way into good standing with God by doing good things alone. He accepts you for who and where you are right now. What you have done in your past doesn’t matter. He loves everybody the same because He is love.

Jeremiah 29:11 –  “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

We have the choice to accept Him and His grace that He offers freely. He is our only hope at everlasting joy and peace. We all have things in our life that we are ashamed of and regret. When we ask for forgiveness from God, this burden of guilt and shame is lifted off. Only then can we begin our journey with God to be love. God only requests for us to “go and sin no more.”

If you are feeling unsatisfied, you might be holding on tightly to something you need to give to God. It could be a habit you need to kick, anxiety in a relationship, or letting go of fear for your future.

Giving your life completely to God is the only way to find true happiness. By nature, we know that everyone has fallen short of perfection because we are human! God created us so He knows who we are and everything about us. He can mold our messy lives into a beautiful masterpiece regardless of how many times we have failed miserably. Remember He has a plan for your life!

A Prayer For You

Lord, we come before You desiring satisfaction that we know only comes from You. We realize that without You, life is just chasing after the wind. Today, we choose to humble ourselves and give You all our hurts, dreams, and desires. We trust You to work out everything for our good in Your time. In Jesus’ name, Amen.