We just spoke about my struggle and 3 Ways To Fight Failure. God has definitely been at work in my heart pushing me to grow past my fears. Today, let’s talk about using what we can with what we have, right now.

To do what I can I have to push past my fears. It hasn’t been easy to move past my fears. I fear the unknown. I fear failure. I fear for my loved ones. But fear has kept me from doing what I can right now.

My dad was a big proponent of this saying: “Don’t let what you can’t do get in the way of what you can do.” Isn’t that what life should be about? Use what you have now and quit making excuses that you’ll do it tomorrow.

I can’t stress enough how short and precious our time here on Earth is. We need to get a little fire in our bellies to wake up and not waste a moment. There are broken hearts, mines, and spirits that need our attention.

There are defenseless lives that need you to stand up for them. There are broken dreams and relationships that need mending. There are hungry and ill stricken bodies that need provision and healing.

Why are we sitting in the comfort of our homes oblivious to these needs? I haven’t even scratched the surface in doing these needs justice. There are so many more.

We can continue only being focused on what we need and want. We can turn a blind eye and claim ignorance. We can say someone else can do it because we can’t or don’t have time. Or we can do what we can with what we have right now.

“My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference.” -Jimmy Carter

It’s time to do away with indifference.

We need things that break God’s heart to begin to break ours! We need to see others how God sees them! We need to feel righteous indignation that will move us to act but in a loving and compassionate manner!

If you don’t, who will? If not now, then when? You have a voice that needs to be heard. You have a warm hug that will bring comfort. You have spare change that can feed a family across the world.

How to Overcome Indifference

3 Ways to Overcome Indifference:

  1. Look for ways to make other’s lives easier.
  2. Lend your ear. Really listen to what others are sharing with you.
  3. Look for ways to share joy and laughter.

Look for ways to make other’s lives easier .

Helping to make other’s lives easier isn’t rocket science. It might be grabbing the door for someone with their hands full. It might be going the extra mile in the workplace before being asked. It could be helping clean up a mess.

Lend your ear. Really listen to what others are sharing with you.

Listening has become a huge problem today. You know you have a problem if you’re thinking about what you want to say next instead of listening to the person speaking. Instead of interjecting your own opinions, let them talk about them. If they want your opinion, they will ask.

Look for ways to share joy and laughter.

Have you ever been having a bad day and someone smiles at you? You are annoyingly forced to smile back but then for a moment, your day gets a little brighter. We need to do what we can to cheer up other’s spirits.

Let’s stop making excuses and do what we can with where we are now! It doesn’t matter where you work or if you stay at home. It doesn’t matter your age or what talents you have. What matters is making the most of the time you have now in everything you do.

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your goodness in my life. Show me how to share that goodness with others. Open my eyes, ears, and heart. Give me a new level of sensitivity to the needs of others so that I can lessen a burden for someone else. In Jesus’ name, .

Stay hopeful!