Comparison is a trap that leads to lies and ultimately devastation. It makes you want what you can’t have and be who you will never be. It leaves you running on a rat race of changing yourself that never ends. Comparing will never satisfy but can and will leave you completely discontent with yourself, others, and your life.

Sometimes watching a TV show, reading a book, or even looking at social media can cause you to feel discontent with your life. You see a perfect life portrayed in a perfect family with a perfect house in a perfect town. News flash: no one and nothing is flawless. Many put forward a fake front so that you won’t see who they are in everyday life or realize how discontent they are. And yes there are some people who do it have it better than others. Regardless, we need to stop comparing…

Recently I heard a story from a woman who said soap operas almost destroyed her marriage. She explained that she was really into a show but with time, something was changing about her. She found herself being annoyed and short with her husband when he would get home from work. She couldn’t pinpoint why she was doing this. What she realized was that it stemmed from comparing her husband to the men in the soap opera. And because of this, she was developing a sense of dissatisfaction in her husband.

Thank God she was able to find out what the root of her discontentment was and that her marriage was ultimately saved! We need to be careful to stop the comparison trap from closing in on us and destroying our relationships. Whether it be comparing ourselves to others or comparing those we love to others. God meant for us to enjoy this life we have to the fullest. Don’t let discontentment suck the joy out of your life! Start loving yourself and others as they are.

A Prayer For You

Lord thank You for all the many blessings in my life. Help me to not take my life or others around me for granted. Give me strength to overcome the temptation of comparing myself, my life, or my loved ones with others. Show me how to live a fully satisfied and joyful life in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

For more on this topic, check out the Comparison Trap plan on Youversion Bible app. I know several girls who have read it and enjoyed it.