Family is so crucially important. Statistics show that children from families that stay together are more likely to have confidence, be more successful in life, and have healthier relationships than children who come from “broken homes”. Children need a loving, nurturing, and stable environment. It breaks my heart to see how many kids don’t even have a parental figure or family and grow up bouncing from house to house in foster homes.

Did you know that divorce has many harmful effects on the income of families and future generations? The household income of a child’s Family dropped on average about 42% following a divorce.

That’s not to say all hope is lost if you’ve grown up like this. I have heard of several successful people who, against all odds, came out of poverty or from “broken homes”. But wouldn’t you rather have a happier, healthier family if it were up to you?

I myself come from a “broken home”. I can vouch from first-hand experience, how painful it was. It doesn’t matter whether the divorce was qualified or not from a biblical standpoint. It still hurts. Blended families are not the easiest. Any broken relationships between family members hurt.

Let’s be clear, if you’re a divorcee or have broken relationships with your family members, I’m not condemning you. It isn’t my place or anyone else’s but God’s place to judge. I don’t know your life or your circumstances. I do know that it isn’t God’s will or original design for broken relationships or families. But because we are imperfect people sometimes it happens. The havoc it wreaks is absolutely devastating. The great news is that God can use everything in your past, whether good or bad, for your good and His glory.

Wherever you’re at on the spectrum regarding family, God can use what you’ve been through to make a difference in the lives of others starting now.

So what can we do to help turn the tides of broken homes and take our families back?

It seems we are starting to understand how important marriage is statistically speaking. The divorce rate in the U.S. has decreased 20% since 1980 which is incredible music to my ears. Maybe we are starting to see how important family is but I believe there is still plenty of room for improvement.

In the Fervent book by Priscilla Shirer, having a prayer strategy for your family is important. She plainly explains that the enemy is out to destroy our families and livelihood. To combat the enemy’s incessant attacks she explains, “they need you to not be on their backs, not up in their faces, but down on your knees. Assume the new fighting position.”

I’ve heard from multiple sources, including Mrs. Shirer, that nagging does not get you anywhere. Encouragement to their faces is what they need to be accompanied with prayer for their weaknesses that you can see in private. Your family needs you to protect their weaknesses and bring out their strengths to help them become who God has called them to be. In the meantime you complaining will only make things worse.

You weren’t born into the family you were by chance. You weren’t married into a family by happenstance. Maybe you have close friends that you consider family even though you aren’t blood-related. I believe God has placed you there for a specific purpose as well.

When you see issues occurring in your family, extended family, and that close friends are facing, begin praying for them. God doesn’t reveal things to you so that you can do nothing. We are called to be His hands and feet and it starts in the home. If you don’t already, begin praying specifically for your spouse and children. Mrs. Shirer explains that if you don’t have a spouse or children yet, begin praying for them anyway.

My husband and I prayed for each other years before we ever met. My mom encouraged me to make a list of the qualities I desired in a companion and begin praying for my future husband. I prayed that God would protect him and keep him from evil. That I would meet him sooner rather than later. After college is when I met my husband and it was tough waiting all those years for him. But God delivered on His promise and He will for you too. Don’t underestimate the power of your words and prayer.

Wherever you are in life regarding family matters, don’t give up hope. Maybe you are still waiting for your spouse, maybe you’ve tried but failed to have kids yet, maybe your spouse or child is straying, or maybe you have a painful past with a family member. I encourage you to keep up the faith. Don’t quit praying. When you are faithful to God He will give you the desires of your heart.

“I urge you, for the sake of your family, take the fight into your prayer room rather than your living room. Get ready to go to war FOR your family. And get ready to see some changes you’ve never seen happen before.”

A Prayer For You

Lord, thank You for family and all the blessings that come with it. Forgive me for not valuing family as I should at times. Show me how to fight FOR my family and recognize the enemies attacks. I pray for the restoration of relationships in my family and families across the world. In Jesus’ name, amen.




Stay hopeful!