I love reminiscing about things of the past and dreaming about the future but sometimes it’s difficult to see the beauty in my current season of life. Can anyone else relate?

Every season of life has it’s perks and detriments. I can easily get caught up thinking how difficult things are currently and wish they were better or I can embrace the season I’m in.

A wise woman, my husband’s grandma, taught me this life lesson after I spent some time venting about our current situation a year ago. I know it’s important to live in the moment but this gave me a whole new perspective. It shifted my attitude and how I viewed challenges.

I don’t know what season of life you’re in currently but I hope you embrace this truth also. We can enjoy every season of life, even the difficult ones if we choose to seek beauty in the midst of the debris.

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, thank You for this season of my life. Show me how to embrace it and find beauty even in the hard times. Give me the strength to do this and show others how to do it as well. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Stay hopeful!