Faith is a powerful, transforming word if applied the right way. The world’s definition of faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something. The Bible’s definition of faith is “confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1 NIV).”

Jesus explained many things in parables including the depth of our faith (see Matthew 13:1-16). There are 4 levels of faith that will help you discover where you fall in the spectrum. Read carefully and see where you most relate.

  1. A hardness of heart. Those who hear about Christ but don’t believe and will not be saved.
  2. Superficial faith. Those who receive Christ with joy for a while, then fall away when tempted.
  3. Immature faith. Those who believe in Christ but are stunted from blossoming in their faith because of worries, greed, and pleasures of this life. God isn’t at the center.
  4. Blessed and strength of heart. Those who believe in Christ with an honest and good heart. They follow Christ wholeheartedly with perseverance.

Since I was a young girl I’ve believed in Jesus but only had a superficial faith. Temptations came and I regrettably gave in. Recently I’ve gotten to the place of level 3 and pushing hard to level 4. I’d like to think I’m living a very blessed life due to following Christ wholeheartedly but that’s not always the case.

The truth is, I know I limit my own potential with worries and worldly distractions. If we aren’t careful and chasing after God consistently, we can easily lose any progress we’ve made. We can’t afford to grow weary in our pursuit after God. Time is too precious.

What level of faith are you at?

I pray every day for you. For strength when you’re weak. That you would have peace when worries overtake you. Also for you to have guidance, protection, healing, and provision in your moments of need. As believers, we need to stand strong together and pray for each other every day.

My hope for you and myself is that you stay strong and faithful. God will bless you more than you can imagine when you open yourself up to Him fully. Give Him your WHOLE heart and glorify Him with ALL you say and do.

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, thank You for loving and pursuing me. IGive me strength and joy in doing Your work. Light a fire within my heart for You that will never go out. In Jesus’ name, .

Stay hopeful!