How can the Lord make a way when there is no way? I was reading a children’s board book to my daughter the other day. It was about how God asked Joshua in the Bible to march around Jericho silently for 6 days and then on the 7th, to yell loudly (Joshua 6. They did as the Lord told them and the walls came crashing down and victory was theirs.

It reminded me of the story of King Jehoshaphat that my mom told us during challenging times. It was about how sometimes we need to worship our way through battles and let the Lord win it for us. How King Jehoshaphat appointed singers on the frontlines to worship the Lord. The Lord confused the army to where they ended up killing each other so that the Israelites didn’t even have to fight. All they did was worship.

“Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s…But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory.” 2 Chronicles 20:15,17

Did you catch that? They were obedient even when it seemed ridiculous. Send an army to do nothing but wait on the Lord in the face of battle? Or how Joshua was told to march silently for 6 days? But notice how the Lord came through to do the impossible and make a way where it seemed there was no way. The song “Know You Will” by United rings true!

Two things struck me. First, that a lot of times, we don’t have to do anything because the battle is the Lord’s. We don’t need to get in the way and try to make things happen, instead, we need to wait on Him to move. Second, there are times we need to listen to the Lord and do what He is asking, then He will take care of the rest.

Is there anything that you are getting impatient about or taking matters into your own hands? Or is there something the Lord has told you to do but you’ve been too afraid? Obedience to the Lord leads to blessings. I’ve been blessed beyond what I deserve by waiting and trusting Him. I’ve made it through things I should’ve never made it through by worshipping.

There are also things I’ve kicked myself for that I know I should’ve done that the Lord guided me to do. There are times I took matters into my own hands instead of being patient and waiting on the Lord to come through. But I can’t live in the past kicking myself for all those mistakes because then I let the enemy win and steal my future livelihood and peace. We aren’t perfect and we serve a merciful God.

Fear and worry can be unrelenting and keep us from being obedient to the Lord’s call. I know it has for me on multiple occasions. But we can be bold in the face of fear knowing that the Lord is in control and will more than make up for our weaknesses.

I don’t want to be robbed of future blessings and I don’t want you to either. Even if it seems too late, when we are obedient to the Lord, He will be faithful to take care of the rest. We may not be able to get back what has been lost but the Lord will bring about new things and bring forth new strength. We can learn from past mistakes and move forward. God will make a way when there is no way but we must first be obedient.

Take a moment and think about what you feel the Lord is calling you to do – wait or take action? Pray over it and the Lord will show you what to do.

Romans 8:28 still holds true. “We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.”

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, please forgive me for times I have willingly gone against you. For times I have not waited and been impatient and for times I have not been bold enough to do what You have asked me to do. Please Lord show me now what I should do or not do now and give me the strength to be obedient to Your call. Thank You for Your grace and for second chances. Lead and guide me in Your will and way. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Stay hopeful!