One song that has really ministered to me lately is “You’ve Already Won” by Shane & Shane. It’s not just a song to me, it’s my life anthem right now. It reminds me of how I get through life’s battles when I get in the thick of it.
Y’all I’m sorry I’ve been MIA lately. Life being super pregnant in my last trimester with a toddler in her prime “terrific” twos is a lot. Especially carrying this next baby girl SOOO low. It makes doing things very difficult. We also had almost 2 months in a row of sickness after a whole winter season of sickness that hasn’t helped things.
I’m speaking “terrific” twos over my little one but I’ll just say I understand why they’re called terrible twos now. That being said, my favorite thing she does right now is run to me saying loudly: “Momma, I love you so much” in her cute toddler voice while throwing her arms around my neck a little too tightly.

Photo of Heather D. & Family ♥️
It’s funny how pictures make it look like we have it all together, but we don’t. (Does anyone really ever have it together?) This season of life has been a wild whirlwind that hasn’t been easy but our little family is still making memories I’ll cherish forever. I hope whatever season of life you find yourself in right now that you can still find the little blessings from the Lord, even if it’s hard to find.
I was reading this mom devotion, “Risen Motherhood: Gospel Hope for Everyday Moments” recently. It was a great reminder to not just get through the seasons of life and parenting. Not to look for better times necessarily but to still cherish and look for the good moments even in the middle of the madness.
One part that particularly stuck out to me was this…
“The transition you just want to end is not a throwaway season — it’s a time full of God’s purposes… our goal in life is not simply to survive this current hard thing in hopes it will be our last. Rather, we endure whatever God has for us until the very end, believing God’s promises even when we can’t see the outcome… He’ll be with us all the way through it. He’ll provide strength, refreshment, and encouragement until we reach our final point B, where we’ll never experience sorrow again.”
This past week, my little one had a cold or allergies and I’ve had to spend several nights in a row uncomfortably in our living room recliner so she could breathe and drain better. I could easily get annoyed and bitter about getting sick AGAIN or, I could reminisce on comforting cuddles with a sick toddler that just wants her Momma.
I’ve come to realize and be thankful for the fact that my bed now feels like paradise compared to the recliner all squished up in one position all night. Hopefully, you get my point of trying to use rose-colored glasses instead of letting the enemy steal our joy even in the midst of life’s storms.
I started to write a 3 part series on politics that might get a little dicey but I haven’t had the time to edit it quite yet. So keep an eye out for that or ignore it if you want 😄. I wanted to also start a Jesus series of what we can learn from His 3-year ministry and all that happened in between. If y’all haven’t seen “The Chosen” series yet, you’re missing out so check it out! It is very eye-opening and I believe a more accurate view of what He might have been like as not just the Son of God but as a person like you and me.
Anyways, y’all be encouraged that you will get through any tough times or setbacks that may come. Try to look for the benefits of the season and what you can learn from rather than completely wish it away. It’s encouraging that no matter how bad of a situation or attack from the enemy may be, God can work it out for our good and benefit eventually. The bad season won’t last forever and God is still working behind the scenes to help us in ways we may never even know about.
What “You’ve Already Won” Means?
It comes from the song “You’ve Already Won” by Shane & Shane that has ministered to me lately. It’s not just a song to me, it’s my life anthem right now. It reminds me of how I get through life’s battles when I get in the thick of it. “You’ve already won” means that whatever you are facing, God is not taken by surprise and your victory is just around the corner. So take courage, God is working even behind the scenes for you even when you can’t see the evidence of it.
Check out some of the lyrics or watch the music video below.
There’s peace that outlasts darkness
Hope that’s in the blood
There’s future grace that’s mine today
That Jesus Christ has won
So I can face tomorrow
For tomorrow’s in Your hands
All I need You will provide
Just like You always have
I’m fighting a battle
That You’ve already won
No matter what comes my way
I will overcome
I don’t know what You’re doing
But I know what You’ve done
I’m fighting a battle that
You’ve already won
Y’all hang in there like I’m trying to and stay hopeful 😃! I know I have SOOO much to be thankful for and I can’t forget that or stop praising God for what all He has done for me, what He will do, and simply for who He is.
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