Every day going to work and coming back I see people on the streets, people who look like they are in need. My heart breaks for them. I want to help them but don’t know how.

What many of them don’t realize is that they hold the key to the door that leads out of their predicament. All they have to do is unlock the door and pull it open. Many times they either lack knowledge, motivation, or confidence to pull open the door to their future.

To me, it seems so simple – that they can find a job and start working hard for what they want. But I understand there’s more going on than what meets the eye. They might believe they aren’t smart enough or good enough. Maybe they were told by their family or so-called friends that they would never amount to anything.

I just wish I could tell them that God has more for them than going hungry and looking for shelter. I believe some have a “poverty mentality” that can keep them from seeing the potential they truly have. They prefer to accept defeat than to try. But yet God has hope and a future for their lives. God sees them as valuable and beautiful even when everyone around thinks they are a waste of space.

I heard a story recently about an autistic girl whose parents thought that she was not able to comprehend what was going. At the age of two, she was diagnosed with severe autism and unable to speak. One day at the age of ten, her teeth were hurting and she reached over and typed the words, “HELP TEETH HURT”.

Her name is Carly Fleischmann and she explained that “autism has locked me inside a body I cannot control.” She has since learned to spell and type much better. She and her dad have a website and book coming out that talks about their experiences with autism first hand. She is truly an inspiration to many within the autism community and beyond. Scroll down to find her book.

“I believe we all have an inner voice. We just need to find a way to get it out”. ~Carly Fleischmann

Carly is right. We all have an inner voice and just need to find it. Her story proves that just because you haven’t found your niche in life, it doesn’t mean you never will. You may be overlooked and different from everyone else but that makes you, you. You have a voice.

You have God-given talents and abilities. God has an intense love for you and all His children. He has a plan for your life. Believe in yourself because God believes in you. I urge you to keep trying and don’t give up hope on your life and dreams.

Ask yourself two questions. One, what is your God-given dream? Two, what would it take to get there? God will not ask you to do something and not make a way for success. He will see you through it and be there by your side each step of the way.

A Prayer For You

Lord thank You for placing dreams and passions in my heart. Thank You for creating me with special abilities and talents that are one of a kind. Show me the plans You have for my life and how to use these dreams for Your glory. I place my hope and trust in You. I know You will show me what to do and provide a way to make it happen. In Jesus’ name, amen.carly's voice