
The Lord has been really speaking to me lately. He has put some things on my heart that I want to share with you today… I don’t know what you are going through right now but I know God does. He sees and cares even about the small details of your life that no one else does.

Worries and fears can grip our hearts and minds. I know it has for me. It can paralyze us and keep us from reaching through to freedom and our destiny. It can distract us from the truth about who God says we are, but no longer will we let it!

You are loved, cherished, and fully accepted by God. He has a love that no person can come close to matching. I don’t know who all of this is for but God wanted me to share with you that you are stronger than you think.

God won’t let you drown and fail miserably when you are leaning into Him. Every morning on my drive to work I declare that “I trust You Lord and I will not fear” (Isaiah 12:2). God will not leave you or forsake you. He will not call you to something He hasn’t already prepared and equipped you for.

Isaiah 41:10 has been one of my favorite verses since middle school. Beth Moore shed new light on this verse by explaining how it shows that God is strong-willed about us. His love for us is not timid and weak. There are 3 “I wills” that the Lord mentions…

Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.

  1. I will strengthen you
  2. Surely I will help you
  3. Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand

God clearly states not to fear but trust Him instead and He will give us the strength we need to get through things successfully. You are no longer a weak little girl! You are stronger than you think! You are no longer a weak pushover that gives into the worldly things just to be accepted either.

Fear was a word that I felt called to look up in scripture last year. It is something I have really struggled with. This year I feel like trust is my word to study. Fear, trust, and strength all tie together. We will still feel fear but don’t have to be bullied and manipulated by it like a helpless string puppet. When we trust God, that fear will melt away and be overcome by the strength of the Lord. All we have to do is take the step of faith even when we feel fear. I encourage you to listen to what word God wants you to study this year and watch God really move in your life.

Words are just words to be read on paper or on your cell phone. They come to life when they are spoken and heard. There is either life or death coming out of our mouths every time we speak. The Bible says there is power in hearing the Word.

Lately, I like to read my Bible while listening to the audio from the YouVersion Bible app and it has really helped me concentrate. It’s also very powerful to speak out loud in prayer and reading especially when facing an obstacle in life. Your words are more powerful than you realize and you can move mountains in your life and others’ lives when you intercede out loud for them.

Girls, Jesus equips us and gives us the strength to move mountains every day of our lives. Our job is to first trust Him and then take that step of faith in the face of fear. He has called you to do great things so don’t ignore it. God has set you apart and it’s time to be bold and walk confidently in His will for your life!

A Prayer For You

Lord Jesus, thank You for this reminder that I am stronger than I think. Show me how to be confident in You no matter what situation I face. I trust You Lord and I will not fear. In Jesus’ name amen.